Chapter Forty-Eight

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"Well done, my dear," Achillia clapped his hands as he approached her.

His presence in the Dowager's home startled her and the others. Before the meeting have adjurned, when Fudge explained the transfer of the deeds and title to her by Theodore, and the formal declaration of it all which would happen two weeks from now ("Give the Ministry time to clean the mess and the concoct a story that the papers would eat," said the Warlock. "Until then, as the Duchess of Danu, see to your duchy and end this conflict.), Achillia disappeared. No one knew where he went, and with all the chaos that happened, with many lords and ladies demanding answers from her and Regulus if it meant the Blacks will rule Danu will be theirs as well.

They barely made it through the crowd and to the apparition point where Carina was met by Tonk and Remus who would take her and Roman and Hermione to the Dowager's house, the others – Tom, James, Harry, and Regulus – following them.

As soon as they arrived in the living room, Walburga and Malia sat on the long couch with Alexander Achillia as company, drinking tea on the single seat by the window.

Achillia took Carina by her shoulders and kissed her cheeks. "Wonderful, a few notes, but it all went well and according to plan."

"A plan you did not tell me – you never said Theodore gave me Danu," Carina said.

"But it is obvious, Carina dear."

"You never mentioned he abdicated!" She marched up to him. "And you... seven years of exile. Theodore told me that you wanted him in your court, I don't know why, but you tried to trap him there, and now you have him."

"Seven years will pass on quickly than you realize."

"What about our child?! He'll grow up not knowing without a father!"

"We cannot have anything, Carina," he spoke. "Besides, it was Theodore who gave himself to me. He made the seven-year sentence to work for me, I was simply doing what he said."

Roman marched up to Achillia, "he did what?"

Achillia's gaze turned to him then to Hermione who stood silently at the corner with Remus and Tonks. "Maybe you could explain, Miss Granger. Enlighten our dear friends." Achillia sat on the seat again with an ankle propped on his knee, leaning back on his seat. Waiting.

"Hermione, what did he mean?" Carina turned to her friend.

Swallowing, Hermione stepped forward and handed the leather sleeve. "Months ago, Theodore Nott came to my and Bunty's place of work seeking help. He was asking about grounds of transferring a titles, properties, assets, and then he asked about merging two families and the possibility of it happening in your situation... the problem was, by doing so it does not eliminate the threats on your lives, in fact it just increased it. By having two of the largest and powerful magical communities, it is a threat both internally and externally as many would covet your power, and because of your range, you will challenge the rule of the Ministry."

"There is a reason why the Ministry does not permit the merging of magical communities so easily," said Achillia. "Because they are afraid of losing power over them. What more if two of the largest communities with their own means of survival merge. There could be a threat to become independent. One that would challenge the Ministry."

"So, Theodore did the only thing he could. He abdicated," Hermione continued. "It was not an easy choice for him, but something must have happened that he suddenly wanted to step down, and then he started collecting evidence on people who were part of the attempted murders."

"Narcissa's memory," Roman said. "He had Narcissa Malfoy give him memories of the meetings she and her husband would attend with conspirators, and in return he cured Astoria."

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