Chapter Ten

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"Hand me one."

Roman held the cigarette between his lips to retrieve another stick from his bronze cigarette box case, a gift from Theodore when they were in France, and gave one to Morgan. He used his wand to light a small flame at the end and lets Morgan light it. Getting up from the bed, Roman walked across the messy bedroom, picking up clothes they discarded on the floor and throwing it at the bed but for his trousers which he wore while he hopped to the drawer at the corner to retrieve some of the things he would leave with Granville: a journal that he also uses as a sketchbook, a locket, and a bag of Galleons and Muggle money. Tossing all those tings on the bed, Morgan went to retrieve the journal and flipped through the pages, looking at the portraits of people Roman drew.

From Morgan's face that littered every page he flipped through, there were sketches of landscapes, the cup used for morning tea, a couple of Carina and the dresses she wore, and one of Theodore but was remained unfinished.

Theodore never liked being drawn or painted. The only time the Duke of Danu might have agreed to being painted was for a portrait needed in his own home that his father commissioned an artist before his untimely death to do once the young man has taken his place. But according to Roman, he never saw the portrait in Nott Manor, and for the past weeks he has been living there acting as Theodore's personal... he was not sure what to call it exactly, but for someone helping his friend through troubling times as Theodore battled his family and his... heart. The portrait was nowhere to be seen, that was it. It was unlikely Theodore would burn the thing, knowing the man valued artists and all the creations - hell, he even purchased a statue in Greece and the wee thing (standing around the height of a German Shephard standing on its hind legs) was now placed at the garden for the man to see during his walks of... contemplation.

Flipping through the pages, Morgan saw a folded and crumpled letter, he did not dare to open it but Roman have folded it in a way for him to see the name of the sender.

"Have you seen your sister?" Morgan asked.

Roman breathed out through his nose, the smoke made him look like a bull about to charge. He removed the cigarette from his lips before he answered, "No. Maeve is at Bath now, in an all-girl's school. According to Mother, she is learning the piano but she prefers history."

"You need to see her, Roman. Maeve misses you," Morgan said, remembering the times he would visit fourteen-year-old girl longing for her brother's company after he left to look for Theodore, leaving her in the care of their mother.

"I already sent her a letter and a gift too - it's those dolls that the girls in France would play with. She could change the dresses of it too."

"She's no longer a child," Morgan chuckled. "I remember the last time you sent her a toy, she sighed and kept it on a shelf... she loves books."

"I'll buy her some books."

"Roman. You need to visit her."

Roman returned to the bed, sitting beside Morgan. "And I will. I just need to settle things first with Theodore."

"It would take years for Theodore to settle things - and maybe never. What does he want anyway?" Morgan shifted in bed to face Roman.

Roman hesitated. Theodore was very clear to keep their goings a secret, but - no offence to Morgan - Morgan did not have any friends or acquaintances in the families they were working with. The Diggorys were tenants of the Goldsteins in Ottery St. Catchpole and were not exactly holding any influence to them. Taking a breath, he decided to give him the general truth, but not going into specifics, but before he does, he placed a Muffiliato spell around them to keep unwanted ears from listening.

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