Chapter 18

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"Life happens, coffee helps"

Islam walked confidently into the bustling café, her eyes scanning the room until they landed on the young man in the suit. He sat at the third table, sipping his coffee, his presence commanding attention. She approached him, placing the bag containing his belongings on the table. "Hey," she greeted him with a warm smile.

He glanced at his wristwatch and remarked, "You really should work on your punctuality."

Ali was quite different from Usman. He exuded a stoic demeanor, always focused on his work, and constantly aware of the passing time. Usman, on the other hand, was carefree and never bothered with a watch.

Taking a seat across from him, Islam replied, "I apologize for being late. I just wanted to express my gratitude once again for what you did that day."

"It seems like you hold onto things tightly," he observed, his gaze locking with hers. Islam couldn't help but feel a flutter of nervousness, unlike when she was with Usman.

Confused, she asked, "What do you mean?"

"You have a strong memory," he clarified.

A nervous smile played on Islam's lips as she struggled to find the right words. "Well, um... alright then. I'll take my leave. You probably have an important meeting coming up."

"Okay, I should go. You're right. Don't wear a dress that compromises your dignity."

"Yeah, I'm always cautious," she replied, maintaining a smile.

"See you soon," he said as he stood up. However, he turned around and looked at her. She was puzzled, trying to figure out what he was about to do. Suddenly, he bent down in front of her, as if he was going to peck her. This made her even more nervous, and she quickly closed her eyes. But instead, he reached for the bag next to her.

"I think I forgot this," he said with a smirk, finding the situation amusing. He then walked away.

She watched him drive off in his car through the transparent glass, puffing out her cheeks and exhaling, releasing her nervousness.

"Here you are," a familiar voice said.

"Zayyad, what do you want?" she asked, recognizing the voice.

"After you broke up with me, now you're pursuing the wealthy Nagogo heir," he accused.

"What are you talking about?"

"You're a gold digger, just like Yasmeen said. You're only after money."

She looked around and noticed people starting to notice their argument. Eyeing him, she decided to walk away towards where her car was parked.

"I'm talking to you! Where do you think you're going?"

"Leave me alone, Zayyad. I just need some space," she replied, trying to distance herself.

"You need what? By hanging around with him, right?"

"Just go, Zayyad. You're disturbing me. Let's talk some other time, not now," she said firmly. He attempted to grab her hand in his fury, but someone intervened.

"Leave her alone, bro," Usman said, standing in Zayyad's way.

"Okay, I should leave. You're... And how does this concern you? Get out of here, it's between my girlfriend and me."

"She doesn't want you, just go."

"Yes, you should go, Zayyad."

"Wow! Now with the younger brother. Good job, Islam."

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