Chapter 26

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Islam sank deeply onto her bed, feeling a mix of enthusiasm and embarrassment about what had happened on the rooftop. She couldn't help but reminisce about the events and how Usman had laughed at her silly misconception. If one could die from embarrassment, it would surely be her.

"Are you done fantasizing?" asked Goggo, who had been observing her in a white silky gown, her round glasses perched on the bridge of her nose.

"Salamualaikum," Islam greeted, feeling even more embarrassed, and then rose from her bed.

"Wa alaikumussalam," Goggo replied. "I want us to go to the food store tomorrow. I'm going to prepare gurasa for us, and we'll also buy kilishi. Make sure to tidy up your room," she said, then departed.

Islam huffed, knowing that it would be a busy day ahead. Goggo was an exuberant lady who valued the things she cherished.

Islam prayed and read the Qur'an before going to bed, eagerly anticipating the next day as the beautiful songs of the nightingales lulled her into a peaceful sleep.


On the next hot afternoon after school, Islam and Goggo went to the supermarket to buy the foodstuffs she would need.

The store was bustling with activity, as people walked up and down the aisles, filling their shopping baskets. Islam watched couples pushing their toddlers in the shopping carts and hoped for a day like that in her own life. Going out with her family and spending quality time together.

"Are you done? Let's go," Goggo ordered, looking at Islam in amazement while she felt embarrassed. "You know, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It feels like just yesterday I was carrying Khalid in my arms, and now he has his own family."

"He takes after you, Goggo," Islam complimented.

"Yes, he's just like his mom," Goggo confirmed with a smile. Khalid was her favorite child, the apple of her eyes, her joy giver. That's why she held him in such high regard. Nobody could speak ill of him, and he was always right in her eyes. Maybe it was because he was successful and cared about her, even though she lived with Uncle Hassan.

Islam watched as Goggo paid the bill at the counter, then they walked to the car and placed the bags in the trunk. As they were leaving, Islam spotted Usman on his bike. He saw her, smiled, and pulled over to talk to her while Goggo was still in the car.

"Let's meet at the park," he said, revving the engine and driving away. Islam quickly got into the car and drove home.

At home, Goggo asked Islam to mix the gurasa, a delicious bread made from a combination of wheat flour, yeast, sugar, salt, and water. With precision, Islam gradually added water to the dry ingredients, forming a soft and pliable dough. She kneaded the dough with care, ensuring it became smooth and elastic, ready for the next step in the baking process.

After preparing the dough, Islam allowed it to rise for an hour, giving it time to develop its flavors and textures. As they waited, Goggo and Islam sat comfortably on the couch in the living room. Islam, an avid reader, took the opportunity to immerse herself in some captivating novellas she discovered in Firdausi's drawer. Goggo, on the other hand, found joy in observing the dedication and skill Islam displayed in her baking endeavors.

Once the dough had doubled in size, Islam divided it into small, manageable portions. With gentle hands, she shaped each portion into thick discs, ready to be cooked to perfection. Using a nonstick pan, she carefully placed the discs on the heated surface, allowing them to cook until they turned a beautiful golden brown on both sides. The aroma of freshly baked bread filled the air, tantalizing their senses and making their mouths water in anticipation.

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