"Mother, Father." He greeted his parents as we arrived at their home.

"What's with the girl behind you?" A girl, looking older than me by just a few years spoke up. Making me realise that I was hiding behind my buyer.

"She's off limits Marla... No one touches her. Not you, not Jacky, and definitely not that idiot called Huxley." He said, sternly.

"Speak to your elders with respect Lucius." The mother spoke, glaring at Lucius.

"If they start respecting themselves, I'll accord them the respect they desire." Lucius spoke and I hid behind him more when I noticed the father's eyes change to a red oxide colour.

"I have no time for this, father. Say what you want to say and let me off, I'm sure my guest is hungry." Lucius sounded irritated or rather, annoyed. It seemed like he didn't get along with the fam.

"Lucius! Apologise to your father this instant!" The mother hissed but Lucius kept quiet. I don't know what got into me but I nudged him, making sure no one noticed my action.

Lucius cleared his throat. "S-sorry." He begrudgingly let out and I smiled gladly from behind him. Holding my hand, he dragged me away from his family.

My heart was beating rapidly, I was beyond terrified. When we arrived at his room, he locked the door and pinned me against the wall beside the door -- he roughly grabbed my neck with his large but soft hand and kissed me.

The kiss was rough and rushed. He was shaking with anger but was still being as gentle as possible when conveying his unspoken message.

After what felt like an eternity, he pulled out and grinned wickedly -- showing his pearly whites.

"Never get involved when I speak to my family, and you should remember who's in charge little one." He winked at me and walked towards his black bed. Sitting down on it, he patted the spot next to him.

Obediently, I walked towards it and sat. "Never do what you did, ever again. Am I clear Watermelon?" He asked and I nodded with him looking me straight in the eyes, whilst I looked at my reflection in his eyes just to avoid eye contact.

"You're distracted." He snapped his fingers in my face, startling me.

"S-sorry." I looked down at my hands.

"Look at me Little One." He commanded, making the butterflies In my stomach -- flutter, but I still silently refused to look him in the eye.

He lifted my chin with his index and thumb, making sure to be as gentle as possible.

"When I give you orders, you obey them okay?" He asked softly, making me swoon at how his voice got husky and deeper, simultaneously.

"Watermelon!" He raised his voice, making me let out a not-so-loud squeal. With a mischevious grin, he started running his hand up my thigh.

Another squeal was emitted from my mouth when he touched my inner thigh -- making me unconsciously jump off the bed. He then started laughing at me.

"You're so innocent and I like it." He bit his lower lip, making me chew on my inner cheek.

"Am not." I murmured but unfortunately for me, he had surprisingly heard my murmur -- and just like that, in just a snap of a finger he was in front of me.

Grabbing my neck again, he whispered in my ear. "I want to f*ck you so bad little one." He trailed open mouthed kisses down my neck, then licked it -- slowly."I want to f*ck you and hear that pretty little mouth of yours, shout my name in pure ecstasy." I was now laying on his bed -- how? I don't know -- with him on top.

"I went to the auction just to see what happens down there. I had no interest in buying anyone, til I saw you. Looking so innocent, I couldn't help but want you -- no, crave you." He murmured against my ear, whilst he ground himself on me.

"I want to ravish every inch of your body. I want to f*ck you til you can't walk." He pecked my lips and stopped grinding on me, making me whine. My eyes widened in shock and I covered my face.

"Looks like someone liked our session." He chuckled and motioned me to follow him, and I did. "Let's get you cleaned up and go get some dinner in that barrel of yours." He pointed at my stomach and I laughed.

"It's called a stomach, silly." I shook my head, took off my clothes and walked into the tub of bubbly warm-hot water.

"I didn't say undress in front of me Watermelon, now I've got to..." He trailed off, stomping out of the bathroom.


"It's dinner time, be at your best behaviour okay?" He pecked my lips.

I was dressed in his Tee and leggings, of which I had found in his wardrobe. There were many clothes my size in the closet but I chose his Tee because it was comfortable and he liked it on me.

I don't know why I'm attached to him. I mean, I should hate him for buying me but I don't. I should hate how sexual he can be, but I don't.

To think that I now live with vampires... I should be freaking out but I'm not. Not even just a little bit. The worst part is that, Lucius is actually a vampire King -- and I'm not even freaked out. Plus! He rules over humans -- myself included -- and we think he's human too, it's insane I know.

Anywho... He had chosen to wear, black shorts, a black tee and blue, red and white coloured Jordan's. And he had the audacity of making me put on pikachu sleepers, when I had Vans! But I have to admit though, the slippers are pretty neat and cute.

Lucius helped me sit at the table, making sure I was comfortable -- he then sat down too. I looked up to see everyone's mouths agape, staring at us causing me to blush and look down at the cutlery in front of me.

"This is my girlfriend, Watermelon Miller. From this Kingdom." Lucius said with a mischevious grin.

What is he planning on doin-

"Unacceptable! Not a human!" The father shouted with disgust etched on his face, making me gulp down the lump in my throat, rapidly blinking the tears away.

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