"Unacceptable! Not a human!" The father shouted with disgust etched on his face, making me gulp down the lump in my throat rapidly blinking the tears away.

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Lucius' malicious grin widened. "Come on father, stop being like that. Huxley had multiple human girlfriends, why can't I?" The grin was still on his face, making him look scary but more handsome.

"Could you just stop with your sarcasm for once, Lucius!?" From the look on his face, I could tell he was Huxley.

"Now now, Hux... no need for hostility. Calm down big bro." Lucius chuckled with no emotion.

"Watch your mouth or else..." Huxley threatened.

"Else what? Huh Huxley." His face was now calm but very hard with his jaw ticked.

"Don't f*cking test me Lucius! Just because you got my position it doesn't mean you're that important." Huxley said through clenched teeth.

"Aww... is the big bad vampire sad?" Lucius mocked, making me very anxious. What if Huxley hurts him?

"What's up fam!? Uh... am I interrupting something?" The last member of the family, Jacky walked in.

"Yes!" Huxley and Lucius said simultaneously.

"What's going on? And who's this cute doll face?" Jacky was now in front of me. Trying to touch my face, in a split second -- his wrist was broken.

"Try that sh*t on her again, I'll kill you." Lucius winked at Jacky whose hand was now mending itself.

"Oh God..." My stomach churned, at the sound of his bones cracking back into its original position.

"You piece of sh*t! You're dead!" Jacky charged at Lucius, who just moved aside with so much grace -- making Jacky fall flat on his face.

Everything was happening quickly, with Jacky lunging at Lucius -- only for him to quickly move out of his way.

"You think you're invincible, don't you?" Jacky stopped and looked over at Huxley.

"Let the fun begin!" Lucius chuckled mischeviously, his stance changing into a lazy one as he sat himself in his chair, only to start feeding me as his brothers lunged at him. "Mouth open, ahhhh." I obeyed and ate the piece of baked fish.

Every time his brothers would attack, I'd squeak causing him to chuckle whilst feeding me and fending them off. It was like an action movie. Like the movie called -- The chronicles of Riddick -- where he would get attacked by the creepy creatures and he'd fend them off without even trying. What? Vin Diesel is cool!

"You're distracted." He snapped his other hand in my face and I came back from my calm universe, to notice claws that were about to dig into his skin.

"You're distracted too!" I shouted and pushed him off the chair, only for the claws to sink into my left arm. Everything went in slow motion as my arm felt numb.

When Jacky retracted his claws, I screamed bloody murder -- The pain was excruciating! I just wished for death then and there -- Everybody in the room covered their ears, except for Lucius who looked monstrous.

His face had changed into something else. He had shark-like teeth, his nose snarled like that of a wolf, his eyes were crimson and had 5 tiny black dots in them and his hair was now messy with his nails looking like 3 inched talons.

All in all, he looked scary. In that moment -- I don't know how, but I heard myself beg.

"Please Lucius, leave them be. It was a mistake." I murmured but it seemed like he didn't hear me. I stood up from the chair and everything was spinning.

"Lucius!" I shouted, getting his attention -- I spoke. "Please." I started seeing black dots and the lights went out.

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KING LUCIAN AND HIS HUMAN!Where stories live. Discover now