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Chapter 10 : Sirius Black
(Wearing this)
"Will you Olivia Louise Alcove, Please be my girlfriend?" he asked again
"I...I..." he looked really hopeful but I don't think I am ready for a boyfriend yet. "I need to think about it Ced. Can you please wait?" I asked
"Yeah, I'd wait forever for you, you're the best person I could ever meet." he replied kissing my cheek and walking away, "I'll see you in the common room then." he said and he was lost in the crowd. I turned on my heel and walked out by the black lake. When I got there a black dog was sitting there looking out onto the water.
"Hey boy, Where did you come from?" I ask it and it wags it's tail as I sit down and scratch its ear. all of a sudden it gets up and starts nuzzling me to get up. "What is it boy?" I ask and it jerks it's head towards the whomping willow. I follow the dog towards the tree and stop just out of the branches reach. The dog keeps on going until it touches the knot in the tree with its paw. It jerks it's head to the roots and I see a small tunnel in the roots."down there?" I say and it jerks it's head again. So I crawl down the hole first. The dog follows as I notice the tunnel is a little bigger than I imagined. I can almost stand up in the tunnel but have to stoop a bit until I get the a grate at the end. I kick open the grate and it falls with a crash. I wince at the sound. I stand up in a darkened room covered in dust. I reach for my wand but It wasn't there and a voice from behind me croaks
"Stupefy!" I black out and fall to the floor with a crash.
-Time Skip-
I felt myself waking up a little while later my dress filled with dust and dirt but my shoes were by the open grate, cleaned of any mud or dirt. My hair was still intact. I sit up a little and scream at what I saw. It was Sirius Black, In the same room. I see my wand on the floor next to me and I pick it up.
"Why am I here?" I ask
"You need to hear me out, I never killed your Mother or joined Voldemort." he said but I raised my wand higher.
"how can I trust you? you lured me here." I say "I ought to curse you where you stand, don't you dare think I won't! Just because I'm in Hufflepuff !" I say my voice getting louder with each word I said.
"Please just listen." he pleaded
"You have two minutes, I'm counting!"
"I have and will never worked for voldemort," he started. I scoffed at this.
"Oh really? tell that to my mom and James and Lily potter." i said
"You really think that I would kill the people I considered as family? I was disowned by my parents at 16, i moved in with James and his folks. My Idiot brother was killed at the hand of the Death eaters, his own scummy kind." he paused for a second before continuing, "You want to know who sold them both out? Peter Pettigrew."
"Why would my Godfather kill my mother?" i said still disbelievingly
"Because he's a death eater, He faked his own death the day i supposedly killed him. He cast the Killing curse behind his back after screaming how I betrayed your parents and harry's too. it looked like he had died so i stood and laughed, i thought he had caught himself with it. I got framed . I would have died rather than betray my best friends, and now after 12 years, I have found him again."
"The youngest Weasley Boy."
"Ron's pet rat?"
"Wormtail. He's been hiding for 12 years as a rat? He is still seen as innocent, is he not? why would an innocent man need to hide for 12 years?"
"Its Okay. I Believe you."
"You do?" he said
"I believe you, Sirius Black.why would an innocent man hide as a rat for 12 years?" I say and he smiles
"You're just like your mother was do you know that? beautiful woman Maya was. She was kind and Just. She always saw the truth in people and was always trying to help moony with his furry little problem."
"You mean His transformations?"
"You knew?"
"I figured it out, and I'm carrying on that spell she was working on."
"Don't you ever change, You're perfect the way you are. Your mum used to help us on our pranks, she would be a real swot in lessons but if you go on the wrong side of her..."he pauses and laughs for a moment "...Well, you wished you hadn't." he finishes and I check the time and say
"I'd better get back to the castle but I will send food as often as I can."
"It was a pleasure meeting the daughter of the kindest woman I knew except for Lily."
"it was nice to hear your side of the story for once, I hope the ministry find the truth soon!" I say and leave the room and find a secret passage. I walk through and find myself at the roots of the whomping willow. I walk up to the castle to see a stricken looking Professor Sprout.
"There you are! I thought that Sirius Black had gotten you!" she exclaimed after sending out a patronus charm informing the others that I had been found.
"How long have i been missing?" i ask curiously
"4 hours you silly girl." she said as we got to the great hall, "Now inside to professor dumbledore." she added in a whisper
I walked into the great hall the dirt evident on my dress and my shoes were covered in dirt as well.
"Professor, i am so sorry..." i start to whisper but he jumps in
"My office miss alcove, please." he said and i nod and make my way along with him to his office. He gave the gargoyle the password and we walked up the spiralling staircase to his office.we walked inside his office and he beckoned for me to sit down. I sat down on the indicated chair and he began to speak, "Miss Alcove, can you please tell me where you have been and who with." he said
"I went down to the black lake alone sir." i said somewhat truthfully.
"And the rest miss alcove." he said knowingly
"I didn't help him if thats what you think." i say
"Help who?"
"Sirius Black, sir . You do know he was framed."
"I do miss Alcove, I wonder where he found you."
"He was a dog, I followed him to the whomping willow. He did stupefy me but he obviously wanted to get wormtail when he met me by the lake. the dog beckoned me to follow it so i kinda did. It looked harmless enough sir but i followed it down into a old house by the Whomping Willow and he stole my wand and stupefied me. He then told me his side of the story once i was re awoken. I belive him."
"I know miss Alcove, Just be careful this year."
"Yes sir." i say and i was dismissed. I was sent to my common room even though everyone else was in the Great Hall to sleep. I walked up to the room slowly and fell onto my bed and fell asleep, Knowing my answer for Cedric.

Lost : A Harry Potter Fan Fiction (Sequel To Run)Where stories live. Discover now