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C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - F I V E

season 3 episode 6

season 3 episode 6

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AS THEY ALL CONTINUED TO WATCH IN BOTH HORROR AND AMAZEMENT, Dustin looked up at Anastasia and Steve and muttered. "The gate." They rushed back down the steps, wanting nothing more than to run away from it all, but unfortunately, that didn't seem like an option any more which was even more terrifying. Steve had still taken charge as being the leader of the group and put himself at the front, with the rest of them following behind him.

"I don't understand." Robin commented as they rushed down. "You've seen this before?"

"Not exactly." Steve answered for the trio, he was stressed out and ran his hand through his already messy hair.

Robin was very clearly being the one to panic out loud. "Then what, exactly?"

"All you need to know is it's bad." Dustin warned her and Erica, as Anna nodded her head along with his words. Agreeing with what he had to say.

"Like totally, completely, life changing bad. This shit, is so so very bad." Anastasia sighed, she played with the ring on her fingers, the only way she could think of to calm herself down after feeling her erratic heart beat through her chest.

Dustin spoke faster when he was worried, which wasn't allowing Anna to relax any more. "Like, end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad."

"And you three know about this how?"

They all took a long pause sharing the same look on their faces as they tried to figure out exactly how to answer her question. Robin was a new member of their group, and her dry humor and genuine kindness made them accept her with open arms. But, they didn't mean they were able to tell her everything. They all had agreed on not telling any one else what had been happening in Hawkins', it was mostly for Anastasia and Eleven's safety since they did still have people coming after them.

"Um, Steve?" Erica suddenly inquired, interrupting Robin's question. "Where's your Russian friend?"

Before they had chance to reply to him, the sound of an alarm blared through and red flashing lights surrounded them and they instantly began running from where they had originally come from. The group were running so fast they ended up bumping into one another. They rushed past the Russian scientists, with Anna being the one to yell out Russian to them all, leaving them even more confused.

A wide range of curses were shared, mostly along the lines of 'shit' and with Steve hurrying them on. Their shoes slapped against the metal stairs as they rushed down. Anastasia felt her adrenaline increasing the more that they ran, the sounds of the Russian's threats were still clear as they could hear them. They managed to get into a room, with Steve holding onto the door as Anastasia focused her attention onto it, allowing it to keep closed as Dustin watched her. Still, Robin had been more occupied in freaking out that she didn't even notice.

Dustin and Erica took it upon themselves to figure a way out and managed to open up the door that led them too the ventilation system that managed to fit them in, they pushed themselves into it as Dustin pocked his head through.

"Come on!" Dustin yelled, his face was a bright red from all the running.

"Go! Just get out of here!" Steve yelled, he had to hold onto the door harder this time as Anastasia had gotten distracted by Dustin calling out to them, she rushed forward and helped them push onto the door. "Just go and get some help, okay?!"

Just as Dustin closed the latch, the door kicked open sending the trio to fall back and hit their heads off the ground.

* * *

A thin layer of sweat covered Anastasia's forehead, the combination of being too hot and also her increasing anxiety over the situation was making her feel more hot and sent her to be sweating. Steve and Robin were in separate rooms to her and she knew exactly what was happening to them. The Russian's were most likely beating them till they were on the brink of unconsciousness to be able to get information out of them, and it also didn't help that they were Americans.

They were going to come in soon to interrogate her, and she wasn't prepared for that. As much as she was in control of her powers, she knew that seeing the Russians who were attempting to open the Upside down was going to send her into range. And then, she wouldn't be control.

The door to the room opened up, as she made eye contact with one of the Russian guards that walked in, he stood in front of her with his hands behind his back as two other men walked into the room. She spotted the blood on his hands and internally cringed at the thought of Robin or Steve being hurt by them.

"Who do you work for?" The Russian asked, his accent wasn't as deep as she first thought it would be and his facial expression remained serious.

"Nobody." She replied, she smirked to herself seeing his eyes widen as he shared a glance at the other guards in the room.

"Вы русский." He said, and Anastasia nodded her head, confirming his thoughts. "And you would betray your own country for these Americans?"

"Betrayal? No, I am saving everyone." Anastasia replied.

The man struck her across the face, the loud sound echoing of the walls as she spat out the blood she had in her mouth onto the ground. All she wanted to do in the moment was make them all pay, but she wasn't going to risk potentially harming Robin and Steve. The man hit her a couple more times until she felt her eyes closing, and soon, a guard held her, dragging her to a new room.

Anastasia was shoved onto the ground, as she heard Robin yell at them to let her go. Steve was practically unconscious on the ground, as she attempted to wake him up. The main guard walked into the room, and Robin looked up at him on her knees. "What did you do to him? What did you do?" He slapped her, sending her to the ground.

Anastasia listened to the man instructing the others. "Посадите их в стулья."

"Don't touch me!" Robin continued, as she squirmed in the guards arms.

The chairs squeaked against the floor as they were dragged over, and soon they were tossed into the chairs and were tied down with belts. Anastasia blocked out Robin and focused on her breathing, all the memories of what happened to her were slowly coming back and she was starting to feel her heart rate quicken.

The man grabbed Steve's hair, holding his face up as Robin warned him not to touch him. The guard tutted, dropping his hand as he said. "I think your friend need a doctor. Good thing...we have the very best." All the officers laughed at him, as Anna's eyes widened as she watched Robin spit in his face. The officer wiped it off. "You are going to regret that, маленькая сучка."

"Bastards! Let us outta here!" Robin yelled, she was moving around in the seat and caused her to get a headache. "Bastards! Let us out! Let us out!"

* * *

note - five more chapters left of season 3....

SEASON 4 has been the best season I have wrote and is also my favorite! Little spoiler here...but you learn more about Anastasia's back story and the type of person she is.


Вы русский = Are you Russian? 

Посадите их в стулья = Put them in the chairs 

маленькая сучка = Little Bitch

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