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season 4 episode 3


AFTER MAKING THEIR WAY TO THE SCHOOL, since they failed at getting any information from Ms. Kelly, Max suggested they got to the school to get into Ms. Kelly's files. They made their way to Hawkins High School, they had to break into the school since it wasn't a school day which added to the eeriness of it all.

Anastasia had yet to speak too Steve about what had happened, and it was worrying him even more. Steve was concerned about his girlfriend and with everything that was going on, he didn't want her to end up like Chrissy or Fred. As they made their way to Ms. Kelly's office, Steve grabbed onto the girls wrist stopping her from walking any further. He pulled them behind the wall, making sure the others weren't able to see them so they could talk in private.

"Steve? What are you doing?!" Anastasia whisper-yelled, her expression twisted together as she noticed how close the two of them were together. She was pressed up against the wall, with Steve still holding onto her wrist and their chest pretty much touching. Steve didn't notice because his eyes were attached to hers.

"You need to tell me what happened. Now, Anastasia." Steve practically demanded, he was going out of his mind with worry and he needed answers, quickly.

"It's not important, Steve." She spat back in the same tone, part of her was still annoyed by the way he acted with Nancy earlier and she was holding it against him. "We need to catch up to the others now."

"That can wait. I need an explanation here because I feel like I'm loosing my mind trying to figure out what happened back there!" Steve exclaimed, he was allowing his emotions to take over his rational thinking, but in the moment he didn't care. "I just found you crying on the ground, and suddenly everything is okay? It's bullshit, Anna. I was terrified, don't you understand why I want to know what happened?"

"Oh, so now you are suddenly worried about me?" Anastasia rolled her eyes with a scoff. "You seemed more interested in Nancy earlier."

Steve stayed silent, his eyebrows raising as she finished what she was saying. Anastasia was angry, she angry at everything. All of the 'Upside Down' drama was supposed to be in the past, but now they were up against something bigger, something deadlier and to top it all off, she was having strange visions, seeing things and experiencing things she never had before. It was all becoming too much for her to deal with and Anna didn't know how much she could take. It seemed like minutes had past when her shoulders dropped and she lowered her head, closing her eyes as she exhaled.

"I'm sorry....Everything that is going on is just so....confusing?" She said, struggling to find the right words to describe how she was feeling. "I'm loosing my mind here, Steve. I've been seeing things...along with everything else that has been happening and I don't know what to do anymore. I'm so scared, especially with this Vecna creep on the loose."

"What have you been seeing?" Steve asked hesitantly, he noticed how her voice started to crack the more she talked.

"It stared with the headaches, and then the nosebleeds but then I started seeing.....clocks. Then today, I saw the man who turned me into this.....Maxim Volkov. He was there....right in front of me and all of a sudden I was the weak, terrified little girl I used to be. I really am going crazy here, Steve and I don't....I don't know why this is happening but I just want it to stop." Anastasia blinked away the tears that were threatening to fall.

"You're not crazy. I promise you that, Anna." Steve denied her accusation's, grabbing onto her shoulders so she could look him in the eyes. "I mean....don't get me wrong, some things you do are....questionable not questionable enough to make me think you're crazy. What if this is somehow connected to Vecna?"

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