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C H A P T E R T H I R T Y - F I V E

season 4 episode 1 continued


THEY RETURNED A COUPLE OF HOURS LATER, the basketball game was now on, with the team running out in their uniform as the cheer team did what they did best, they cheered loudly for the Tigers as the marching band performed. They did a practice warm up, as Nancy stood off to the side writing things down for the newspaper. Anna tapped Steve's shoulder to get his attention. "Have the Tigers ever won before?"

Steve grimaced, remembering his own years apart of the team and their many fails. "Uh, no--not yet."

"That must be sad." Anastasia teased him.

Steve stared at her blankly, helping her up the steps. "Thank you for bringing that up, Anna."

"You are very welcome." She grinned.

The Principle appeared in front of the microphone, which drew in everyone's attention. "Everyone now please rise for our national anthem." The man raised his arms as everyone stood, some placing their hands over their heart as he introduced someone. "Singing for us tonight, we have a very special guest. All the way from Nashville, our very own Tammy Thompson!"

Everyone cheered, clapping their hands together as the girl made her way on stage. Steve's mouth was open wide in shock, as he slowly clapped, staring over at Robin who looked back at him with an identical expression.

Tammy waved at the crowd of students who threw compliments her way, she went silent for a moment as she held the microphone with both of her hands, Tammy built up the tension for a moment before she started to sing, her off-key singing made Anna quickly cover her mouth before laughter slipped out and she saw Steve staring wide eyed at the singer.

"By the dawn's early light...."

The couple peered over at Robin who was equally humored, Steve mouthing. "Told you. Muppet."

"Okay. She does sound like a Muppet." Robin mouthed back until her attention was brought over to Vickie, the girl standing beside her. Tammy continued to screak as she sang, Anna had to look down to hide her laughter.

Tammy eventually finished singing and the game started, with the other time winning so far. Anna who learnt that the leader of the Tigers was called Jason, watched as he yelled out to them, a member of the Tigers became injured and had to be carried off as Anna cheered, she cheered on Lucas who was finally off the bench.

He dribbled the ball over to Jason, who scored and then again. The ball hit off the net a few times, and the other team scored making the score even between the two teams. Anna was practically on the edge of her seat as Jason called for a time out, causing them to get into a huddle.

They then continued on with the game, it all seemed to be happening in slow motion as Jason threw the ball over to the net, watching with anticipation as it hit back off. Lucas caught the ball, leaving everyone on the edge as he dribbled on his feet, extending his arms as he threw the ball aiming for the net. The timer went off just as Lucas managed to score the final goal, with the ball edging around the hoop until he scored, making the Tiger's take the winning victory.

Anna and Steve cheered loudly, everyone in the hall cheered loudly as Lucas was carried off by his team. The cheerleaders rushed towards him, throwing their pom poms into the air. The continued to celebrate as everyone made their way out of the gym hall, Lucas was walking further ahead with his team but paused, as Anna and Steve walked up to him.

"Lucas!" Anastasia called out, rushing over to him as she pulled him into a tight hug. "Congratulations! I knew you could do it!"

"Yeah, congrats, man." Steve said proudly, a grin stretched across his face.

However, her expression faltered when Lucas stared at the double doors to another building seeing his friends, Dustin and Mike with the rest of the Hellfire club. A girl was with them, walking alongside Eddie as Anna hugged him to her side. "Want me to throw them into the wall?"

Lucas laughed, the girl somehow knew how to make him smile even when he was feeling down about himself. "Maybe not. They probably just forgot, it's fine."

"Go enjoy yourself with your team, but don't do anything silly." Anastasia told him, as one of them walked over, grabbing Lucas. "Have fun!"

* * *

Anna and Steve were sat comfortably in her bed, after the Tigers won the game they were both in a good mood as they were laying down watching a random show. Anna had managed to convince Steve into doing a pamper night, it was something that Nancy had told her about and since then she had wanted to do it. She at first asked Max, who refused by saying she would rather not do a pamper night, which Anna understood so she moved onto Steve.

He at first refused to, until she managed to convince him by saying she would stay all day at him at his work. He agreed instantly, and soon enough Steve had a face mask on and Anna had a fresh set of black nail vanish that Steve had done for her.

Steve looked at Anna, she was laying against his chest. He was playing with the rings on her fingers, something he found himself doing without even realizing it when he noticed a trail a blood coming from her nose. He thought at first she was beginning to get them from her powers like Eleven usually did, but Anna had told him that she had trained herself not to get them from being in control of herself.

"Uh, your nose is bleeding." Steve pointed out to her, as she raised her finger, swiping the blood away.

"Oh." Anna muttered, getting up and heading into her bathroom to clean her face when her head started hurting badly. It felt like something was drilling into her brain, and she pressed her fingers to the side of her head, groaning slightly. "Steve! Can you get me something for my headache!"

"Sure, babe! One second!" Steve called back, he quickly got them and headed back into the bathroom where Anna was crouched down on the ground, she never experienced headaches as badly as it the one she was experiencing felt. It felt as though her head was being squeezed together by something, the unrelenting pain seemed to go on for a long period of time but it started fading away into a less painful ache in her head.

Steve's eyes were filled with worry as he held an cloth with hot water to her head, tears filled her eyes as she leaned against him. "What was that?"

"I have no idea, Steve." Anastasia sighed, thankful that the headache was now gone and she could finally relax. "First the nosebleed and now the headache?"

"It's weird, but probably nothing to worry about." Steve said with optimism, he was worried deep down. He woke up at night after Anna, she got nightmares often but she wouldn't open up to him about them, so he usually heard her in the bathroom trying to calm herself back down before returning to bed with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, you're right." Anna hummed in agreement, she was getting used to the nosebleeds and headaches, but the worst thing she had to tackle still was the nightmares.

She was determined to find out the cause, even if it took every part of her.

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