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C H A P T E R F O R T Y - T W O

the creation of Dmitri and Anastasia Petrovna.


MAXIM VOLKOV'S HEAVY FOOTSTEPS ECHOED THROUGH the hallways as he searched for her room. The woman was supposed to be due to give birth to her son in a matter of days and her waters had just broke. Maxim smirked to himself as he stood in the door way of the room, seeing the woman's brown hair stuck to her forehead as she took in another deep breath before pushing.

The doctor stood in front of her, calling out specific orders to her. The woman cried out, beginning for the pain to stop. The woman's green eyes were filled with pain as she continued to push, the babies head was already out so she didn't have long to go. She caught onto Maxim standing in the corner of the room, watching her with a menacing look in his eyes, she had always been afraid of him, ever since she was a young girl she had seen what he was capable of but she was naïve and fell for his tricks.

Maxim was building up an army. He was under the delusion that he could build an army of children with abilities to fight the world. Though it was never for the good, he was a killer, a monster and was no better than the true evil be believed he was fighting. He wanted control and would do anything to get it, even if it meant killing innocent people. The older man stepped closer to the scene just as the woman let out one final push and the baby was born, the doctor didn't allow the mother to hold her child and instead the baby was handed to Maxim who cradled the child with no love.

The new born - which they discovered was a boy - cried in his arms. The sound of the woman screaming for her child was like a white noise in the back ground and Maxim ignored her, continuing to stare at the child. Everything he had planned, everything he had worked for was finally coming to a start and he was enjoying every moment of it. Just as Maxim was about to turn away from them, and bring the child to it's room, the Doctor called out. "Есть еще один!"

Maxim paused, handing the baby over to a nurse as he stepped closer seeing another baby being born. The woman - who was exhausted at that point - pushed for the final time, just as the sound of another baby wailing made Maxim smirk. He had never expected the woman to give birth to twins, which also meant they would be more powerful.

He grabbed the screaming child out of the doctors arms as the sound of the woman flat lining echoed in the back ground. Maxim didn't care about her though, she had given him what he wanted and now he was able to train the children with their powers to become the strongest human beings the world had ever seen.

The nurse stood in front of him, glancing between the two babies. The boy had brown hair like his mothers and when he opened his eyes the blue in them was bright. The girl was different though, she already had a fire in her eyes and as she opened them, the bright green of them suddenly turned a deep red, it even shocked Maxim how the baby was already showing the potential of having strong powers. Her hair was a deep brown, and there was a birthmark on her collarbone in the shape of a heart.

Maxim was going to raise them to be strong, and he wouldn't allow them to be anything but that. "Отведи их в детскую. Одень их и накорми."

The nurse nodded, obeying what he was saying as she took hold of the girl. "У них есть имена, сэр?"

He scoffed, they didn't deserve to have names, only subject numbers. "Тема Первая." He said, pointing at the boy, "Тема вторая."

The Nurse nodded, heading to the nursery. She felt emotional looking down at the babies and named them herself, Dmitri and Anastasia, she had chosen to live on the memory of Oksana Petrovna by giving them her last name. And so, on the twenty-forth of December 1967, the Petrovna twins were born.

They would soon be experimented on throughout their childhood, that was until on the night before their fourteenth birthday, Maxim had taken it too far and had brutally killed Dmitri, leaving not only the Nurse - Olga - angry but also Anastasia who vowed to take her revenge on him.


Anastasia was woken up early in the morning by Olga, who had brought her her breakfast which was a simple nutritional breakfast bar. Still, Anna ate it quickly and thanked the woman. Maxim had informed her of what was going to be happening and she had to relay it to Anna. "You will be staying here today, Anastasia."

Anastasia didn't speak, she was unsure of how to reply in English. Sure, she understood what Olga was saying but there was a difference between understanding and knowing how to speak a language. She simply just nodded and Olga took that as her answer, leaving the room, Anastasia finished the breakfast bar and then focused her energy onto the wooden blocks in front of her.

Her hands extended in front of her as she lifted them, her eyes glowing red as she stared at only the blocks. Anna continued doing it until she grew bored, throwing them too the side as she created a red orb with her hand, throwing it to the wall as it created a hole. She grimaced, knowing Maxim would punish her later for it but she shrugged, continuing to practice her skills as the doctors came into her room, filling her up with more and more of the special chemicals that made her stronger.

Night had arrived and Olga was back in Anna's room, brushing through her hair to help her get ready for bed. Maxim allowed it with some encouragement as Olga said it helped Anastasia to focus and get a good nights sleep, so Olga brushed through her now slightly red hair. The more powerful Anastasia seemed to be getting the color of her hair would change into red, along with her eyes glowing a darker color.

"Как поживаешь, Анастейша?" Olga asked, finishing up by plating her hair.

"Хорошо." Anastasia simply replied, she didn't want to grow close to Olga, especially after the death of her brother.

"Тебе нужен отдых, утром ты будешь в порядке." Olga told her, stepping away as Anastasia got into her bed. "Goodnight, child."

Anastasia didn't respond and once she heard the door closing, she stared up at the ceiling imagining herself talking to Dmitri like she used to do. He was the only one who managed to keep her sane, and with him gone she was loosing pieces of herself daily.

She was going to take her revenge on Maxim Volkov.

Sooner rather than later.



Есть еще один = There is another one!

Отведи их в детскую. Одень их и накорми = Take them to the nursery. Get them dressed and fed.

У них есть имена, сэр = Do they have names, Sir?

Тема Первая = Subject one

Тема вторая = Subject Two

Как поживаешь, Анастейша = How are you, Anastasia?

Хорошо = fine

Тебе нужен отдых, утром ты будешь в порядке. = You need rest, you will be okay in the morning.

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