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"You're happier..... What's the reason?" Michelle asked, staring at Mel skeptically.

"I don't think anything new has happened. I mean, I'm the same" Mel shrugged.

"There has to be something........," Michelle thought. "Any new friends? Or any new engagement after school? Something has to be making you cheery"

"Well,I kinda made a friend"

"What?," Michelle grinned and moved closer to Mel.  "How did it happen? Who's the person?"

"I lost a bet," Mel chuckled. "His name is-"

There was a knock on the door that interrupted Mel.

"Come in" Michelle said with a sigh.

Damien walked in,and took off his jacket.

"That's him" Mel said with a grin.

"Damien?" Michelle asked

"What about me?" He asked,staring between both of them.

"You're her friend?" Michelle asked.

"Ohh," Damien let out a hearty laugh, lifting the mood in the room. "Yeah,I'm her friend"

"Wow. That's very nice" Michelle said.

"MM. Isn't Tony meant to be here yet?" Damien asked.

"I mean... He is.. I've been expecting him for about thirty minutes now" Mel said.

"I guess I'll drop you home"

"Really?" Mel said excitedly

"Sure,MM," he said and picked up her bag from the floor.  "I'll be back, Michelle"

*** ***
The drive home was silent..

It was a comfortable silence between the two.

Damien noticed Mel's quietness.
"What's up,MM?"

She shook her head.

"You can talk to me"

"I don't want to-"

"If you don't wanna talk to me,then that's fine. But , I'm always here if you need to talk"

Mel didn't say anything,she just remained quiet.

"I just remembered what Henry said," Mel said. "Am I really a toy?"

Damien looked back, almost running into the truck ahead.

He muttered something,and drove to the side of the road. He parked the car and sighed.

By the time he turned around,a tear was slipping out of her eye.

"Hey," he whispered. "Don't cry,MM"

"I'm sorry" she said and wiped her eye.

"Look,I don't know what's going on in that head of yours,but I know you're not a toy. At least,not to me"

"Then why did he say that?"

"Because he's a jackass,and jackasses get beaten up by Damien"

Mel nodded,and stared at her hand.

"Did my talk make you feel better?" He asked.

"A little bit"

Damien sighed,
"I'm not really good with these things,but," he sighed. "You're not a toy. You're nothing more than you are. You're good just the way you are,and I really don't advice that you listen to Henry because sometimes,I don't know what that guy is on" Damien muttered the last part.

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