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"I think it's safe to know I didn't do enough harm," Damien sighed as he scribbled in Mel's jotter. "After hearing your side of the story"

Mel just stared ahead of her. Her eyes were red because she didn't stop crying. She didn't wanna tell her parents,and it was honestly to her advantage that they weren't home.

"Are you hungry? I could order us something" Damien said as he continued to write in her jotter.

She slowly shook her head.

"MM," he whispered as he got up. He sat across her and cupped her cheek. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to stop him from doing what he did,but please don't stay mad at me"

She looked at him and shook her head.
"I'm not mad at you,Damien.. I'm just thinking"

"Thinking about what?"

She chuckled and looked at him.
"You really can't imagine how I feel," she paused. "And I'm also wondering why you still want me"

"I don't want you," he furrowed his brows. "You're not someone I 'want' . I need you,and if you keep looking like this,then I guess you'd just break me even more"

She gasped.

"Yes,MM," he stared right into her eyes. "Whenever you're sad,a little bit of my heart breaks. And it goes on and on like that"

Mel smiled at him.
"Well, I'll try not to be sad"

"Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" He asked

"What about your parents?"

"My mom is working the night shift so she won't be back till later tomorrow morning,and my dad.....well,he really doesn't care about my whereabouts" Damien said,and although he tried to look and sound alright,Mel noticed his whole expression change when he mentioned his dad. As if there was something more to it.

"So in other words, there'll be no issue if you stay here?" She asked him.

"Not from my side," he shook his head. "But your parents might have a problem with it"

"Then let's hope it's my mother that finds out" Mel said. "Hudson will literally explode,and my dad will get overprotective and begin to overreact,..but my mom will always listen to the story behind our actions"

"Alright then," Damien said and got up. "Let's get you to bed"

*** ***
"I mean... Amelia talks about it," Mel sighed. "But I don't think it's my scene"

Damien turned on his belly and looked at Mel.
"You should come," he grinned. "It'll be fun"

"I'll think about it"

"Then I think this is the right time," he chuckled. "Would you,Melanie Martins be my date to prom?"

Mel laughed.
"Of course," she said and twisted the hem of her nightgown around her finger. "Don't I automatically be your date because I'm your girlfriend?"

"I just thought it'll be nice to officially ask you"

Mel chuckled.
"Are you comfortable?"

"I'm fine,Mel"

"You could come up here," she smiled. "There's enough space"

Damien got up, jumped on the bed and laid next to Mel.
"Happy?" He chuckled.

Mel nodded.

"Now,close your eyes and drift off" he said and Mel laughed.

"Will do"

**** ****
"I'm not the one you've been calling for four straight hours,but I feel like I could pass out" Amelia sighed.

"I'm worried" Mel said as she closed the novel in her hand.

"Did you fight with him or anything?" Amelia asked.

"Of course not," Mel said. "He even slept here a few days ago"

"And why am I just hearing about that?" Amelia smirked.

"Focus, Amelia," Mel sighed. "Or do you think I should call his mother?"

"I think so...but not now," Amelia said and let out a sigh. "Give him time,Melanie... You're his girlfriend,but I know Damien... If it wasn't very serious, he'll have showed up here or even called you"


"So just relax," Amelia smiled and got up. "You want some ice cream?"

"Not if I'm not having it with Damien"

Amelia scoffed and chuckled.
"Show off"

Amelia left Mel's room to wherever she was gonna get the ice cream,and Mel just let her mind wander.

The past few days she went to school,she couldn't just help but notice the stares she got from people.

Some sympathetic,some dirty,some mocking...
It was not like she enjoyed being stared at,but she could not just walk up to them and pluck their eyeballs out.

She continued to read the novel in her hand as she waited for Amelia.

It's short,and I'm sorry.. I've just been very busy lately

Thanks for reading ♥️

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