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It was twenty minutes into dinner.

Hudson wasn't home yet.

Mr Martins called in that he would be coming later because of work.

So it was basically just Damien,Mel and Maria.

"I hope you like the food," Maria smiled. "I really don't know what you like,but I really hope that this is good"

Damien smiled.
"Of course it's good! I mean,wow!"

"Wait till you taste her pies,cookies and muffins" Mel whispered to Damien.

Damien grinned.
"My mother taught me how to make some of those"

"Really?!" Maria and her daughter said at the same time.

Damien nodded,eating some chicken.

"Well,if you don't mind,you could come over next week," Maria smiled. "I'd love to bake with you"

"Sure thing " Damien smiled.

"So,how is school going for you? Any stress fitting in?"

He shook his head.
"Eastlake High is pretty cool," he said. "I've met some good people,and otherwise"

"Well, that's a must in every school," Maria said. "There will always be the bad ones"

Damien nodded.

"Do you live with your parents?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Please, don't make me feel old" Maria laughed.

Damien chuckled.

"And I've noticed you and Hudson aren't on good terms. Why is that?"

"Mom" Mel narrowed her eyes.


"There's no need to ask that question"

Maria sighed and continued to eat.
"So Damien,.. what made you and Mel friends?"

"Um,I... don't think there's a particular reason,but I guess I just decided to be friends with her.... Well,apart from the fact that she lost the bet"

Maria nodded.

"I really shouldn't be saying this in her presence,but I noticed a change in her relationship with people.. I don't know if it's you or some other person but something in my gut tells me it's you," Maria smiled at Damien. "I'm not compelling you to stay with her or anything,but whatever you're doing that's making her smile and talk to people.. then please, don't stop because you really have no idea how I feel when my daughter smiles..." Maria said,her eyes already glossy.

Damien nodded as he stared at Maria.

She was a good mother. You could tell.

And she cared about her daughter..

The door swung open,and Hudson walked in.

He spotted Damien and walked to him.
"What the heck are you doing here?" He asked Damien

"You could at least employ some manners right now," Damien scoffed. "Your mother is seated"

"Don't avoid the question. What. Are. You. Doing. Here!!!"

"Hudson. He's our guest.. I invited him,. What's the issue?," Maria asked. "You could not even notice my presence,rather,you preferred to yell at the poor boy like a hurting tiger"

Hudson was taken aback by his mom's words,but scoffed.
"I'm just looking out for my sister"

"Why? Because the last time I checked,she was happy around him"

"So you're agreeing to this?" Hudson's asked,pointing between Damien and Mel

"I'm not agreeing to anything... I'm just pointing out the very obvious fact"

Hudson rolled his eyes and walked to Damien.
"I officially hate you," Hudson said,poking Damien's chest. Damien was quick to sway his finger off

"Don't touch me"

"And I'll have you know that Mel will never be yours. She can't. No, that's never gonna happen"

"It's surprising how you think I am trying to make her mine," Damien chuckled. "At least, that's not the reason behind anything... If it works out,fine.. and if it doesn't....fine"

"I can't imagine my sister ending up with you"

"I actually think you can... We all have the power to imagine. Well,unless you're as dumb as a block"

Melanie tried to stifle her laugh when Damien said that.

Hudson hissed and stormed up to his room,and on cue,the slamming of the door was heard.

Damien turned to Maria.
"I'm so sorry-"

"It feels so good to watch someone put him in his place," Maria laughed. "That boy can be egocentric sometimes" she said,picking up the empty dishes from the table.

"What are you doing?" Damien raised a brow.

"Clearing the dishes"

Damien laughed and walked over to her.
"Hell no" he said and took them from her.

"You are such a sweetie" she grinned as Damien began to sort them out near the sink.

Mel propelled to the kitchen and looked up at Damien
"Do you need help?"

"No thank you,MM" he smiled at her.

She nodded.
"That was brave of you"

"What?," He scoffed. "If putting Hudson in his place is brave,then I suggest that'll be my middle name soon"

Melanie laughed.

"Thank you by the way"

"For what?" Damien asked.

"For deciding to be my friend. Trust me, I'm loving it"

"And I guess I'm liking it too" Mel shrugged as Damien continued doing the dishes.

*** ***
*** ***
It was a week since dinner at the Martins' and Damien thought of it as fun in so many ways.

After he was done with the dishes,he discussed about some recipes with Maria and left.

He liked Mel's family.

Thank you for reading ❤️

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