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Kenma's POV

"Alright, class, settle down, now! We have a new student joining us today!"

Everyone scrambled to their seats. The news of a new kid wasn't strange to me. This school seems pretty popular, so we get them often. I pressed 'continue' on my game.

"Good. Why don't you come on in, then?"

No footsteps followed her voice as I had expected. I glanced up, only to hear her laugh awkwardly.

"Sorry, sorry. That's my bad. Give me just a second!"

The teacher walked through the door and gently motioned for the new kid to follow. Gasps ensued. Middle schoolers are rude, aren't they?

Still, I can't say I wasn't surprised, too. I've never seen someone with such tan skin or vibrant hair before.

"This is Shoyo Hinata, everyone. He's come all the way from the other side of the world to live here with his mother. He's been through a lot, so, everyone, remember to be nice! Kenma, dear, will you grab an extra textbook for him?"

The fact she asked me to do it was a shock, but I stood, reluctantly, and made my way to the back of the classroom.

When I turned around, the teacher had seated Shoyo at the desk behind mine, where his wide, calculating eyes scanned over the room and fearlessly made contact with the hundreds of others eyeing him.

I wish I could do that.

Still, his posture told me he was nervous. I guess it makes sense for someone starting a new school. I placed the book on his desk and sat at my own, adamant about ignoring his and everyone else's presence.

That failed, though, as Shoyo's desk was soon bombarded with curious students. Shoyo just looked at them in a daze, not answering any questions tossed at him.

He turned to me, briefly, but just long enough for our eyes to connect, then, he stood and rushed over to the teacher's desk.

"Há um banheiro aqui?"

"Is there a bathroom here?"

The teacher looked nervous, patting down her suit bashfully. It reigned on me that he doesn't understand Japanese, much like the teacher doesn't understand his language.

She cleared her throat.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand. Do you need to go to the restroom?"

He held the most panicked, shocked, and confused face I've ever seen on a person before. Glancing around, Shoyo must have realized that all eyes were on him, and his breathing began picking up.

"Eu... não posso fazer isso..!"

"I... can't do this..!"

He stepped back, spun on his heel, and slipped the door open. After that, he was gone.

"Sensei, can he not understand us?"

"He talks funny, doesn't he?"

"His hair looks soft!"

"I hope he's okay..."

This is overwhelming me and nothing even happened to me. I carefully grabbed my phone and slinked out of my desk and toward the teacher, who seemed so disappointed in herself.

"Mrs. Honoka, may I be excused for a moment?"

"Ah, yes, sorry, Kenma. Kuroo, sit back down in your seat, you can't go with him. You skipped class the last time-"

The door blocked out the teacher's speaking, and I turned to the stairway with a sigh of contentment. Well, as much contentment as one could get at school.

The silence was very much welcomed, and I joyously pressed play on my PSP after pulling it from my pocket.

"Sweet silence..."

"Sniffle... Hic..."

Or not.

The staircase leading to the second floor of the building comforted someone else other than me. After all, it is a pretty secluded, warm place, with its large windows and the gentle morning sun shining through.


Smooth. The new kid looked up at me, his teary eyes filled with a number of unreadable emotions. I was reluctant to take up the space beside his shriveled-up body.

He probably wants time alone, like me...

His eyes glued my feet to the floor, somehow. They were so unique, like the sun was embedded in each one.

My muscles worked on their own, moving me to numbly sit down beside him. My character died on my screen, which is precisely what I felt like at the moment.

Why didn't I leave?

What do I do?

What do I say?

He won't understand anything I say. If I can't use my words right, if I can't move my body right... He won't know if I mess up.

It's a comforting thought.

"você é... Kenma?"

"You're... Kenma?"

The only thing I understood was my name slipping from his lips. I nodded, but this isn't a way of communicating that I can see working out for us, so I pulled a piece of paper out, instead.

I'm most certainly not a good artist by length, but I have dabbled in doodling, so drawing a small plane on an empty page in my notebook was nothing.

He carefully took it from me and wiped at his eyes. I took my PSP off my crossed legs and placed it on the floor.

He was drawing something, too. First, a check mark, then, an arrow pointing to me, then a rough, tiny sketch of my PSP with a question mark beside it.

"Ah, this is-"

I froze, cleared my throat, and took my device into my hands. He placed the journal at his side and scooted closer to me. The warmth emitting from him was, in a way, comforting to me compared to others.

The only other one I like getting partially close to me is Kuroo, and that's hardly okay, but, with him, I don't know... His warmth feels like soft rays of sunshine.

Until the bell rang, I let him sit beside me and watch my PSP as I played it. Really, I didn't think it was something many people would be interested in, but he looked so interested in it that a bit of pride welled in my chest.

"Ah, cuidado! Ele está vindo por você!"

"Ah, watch out! He's coming for you!"

His hand fell onto my shoulder in a moment of desperation. If my body hadn't tensed up, it would've been easier for me to dodge the hunter in the game, but I managed to anyway despite the distraction.

Shoyo sighed in relief.

"Phew, essa foi por pouco..."

"Phew, that was a close one..."

It's... kinda nice to have someone enjoying the stuff I like with me.


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