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Kenma's POV

"It's not funny, Kuroo. I don't know what to do after this. The steps are all messed up..! Why would he even do that in the first place?"

"Pfft, well, have you tried, perhaps, asking him?"

Kuroo found my suffering amusing. Please tell me what to do after your crush gives you two blowjobs in a row, kisses your thigh afterward, and leaves without a word. I'm absolutely lost.

"Nevermind. I don't even know why I came to you for help in the-"

"Woah, woah! Hang on, I was joshing you! So, Shouyou made a move on you, and now you're mind's all jumbled?"


"Now, you're wondering if he'll do it again or if, maybe, that first time was just him messing around with you?"


I don't know what made him feel the need to, but Bokuto decided to butt into the conversation.

"Then mess with him back? Like, I don't know, if he's comfortable sucking another man's dick two times in a row, and that man being you, obviously, then don't you have a pretty high chance of success if you do something back to him?"

Kuroo agreed with him. Me? Not so much.

"Yeah! Good idea, man! It's like returning the favor, in a way! If you do it good enough, you might even get him to fall for you!"

"Shouyou's not that shallow."

... Right?


9:52 p.m

Kuroo covered for Shouyou the rest of his shift tonight in exchange for a week's worth of iced tea. Seems fair. I have the money to spare, and it means Shouyou won't be so beat when he gets back to the dorms.

I don't think I'll be able to do anything to him. I just... want to talk. What was last night about? Did it mean anything to him?

"Ugh, I wish I coulda beat that guy to a pulp. He's fucking lucky I can't risk getting fired..."

Shouyou came in through the door, slammed it shut, and dropped himself onto his bed. It wasn't how I was expecting him to come in, and, immediately, everything I was planning on saying crumbled at my feet.

There was dried-up blood trailing from his left nostril and down his lips. His shirt was stained with blood and on his cheek was a large, forming bruise.

He sighed and glanced up. We were both shocked when our eyes met. Surprisingly, he was the first one to look away.

I... don't know what to say. Shit...

Wordlessly, I turned back to my monitor and picked up my controller, aiming to distract myself and start the new horror game I had bought.

But I hesitated.

There's no way I could leave him injured like that.

He moved to stand up, but I did before him, and held my palm out to him, telling him to wait. Per my silent command, he sat back down.

I wet a washcloth in the bathroom and grabbed some ointment and a bandage from the first aid kit. If my memory serves me right, there was a small cut over the reddened mark on his cheek.

"I'm just gonna fix this. It won't take but a minute," I muttered to him when I sat down beside him. His tongue peeked out of his mouth to brush his lips.

"It's not... that bad. I can wash it off in the shower lat-"

"No, I'll do it."

"Seriously, I can do it myself..."

He turned away from me before I could touch his face, and the words that left my mouth were a reaction even I wasn't expecting.

"Stay still."

It came out much rougher than I expected it to, as if all the frustration in me had managed to weave its way into my voice.

He froze as he gazed at me, then, his cheeks lit up in bright pink. Even his nose was dusted cherry red.

There was nothing more I needed to say at the moment, so I took the washcloth and began cleaning the dried blood from his face.

His lips are really plump. I'm glad his lip-biting habit back in middle school has stopped. It's really helped these luscious lips flourish.

My thumb brushed over his bottom lip once and my mind went bonkers. At least, I thought it had until he bashfully made eye contact with me and I lost all the control I thought I had.

The next moment was a blur. My hands were on his face, his arms around my neck, a hand in my hair, and soft lips pressed deeply against mine.

Huffs for air, breathing cut off- I couldn't seem to pull away, and not just because he's holding me so tightly.

"Mnh... Mmf..."

There were small sounds leaving Shouyou's mouth and leaking out of the small gaps we would leave when trying to inhale a quick breath of air. They turned something inside me that made me want to go further and force more of those breathless moans and hums from his mouth.

Then, we were laying down. I think his arm might have given out. I could feel his every move from beneath me.

The way his legs spread more each time we pulled away from an open-mouthed kiss sent shivers up my spine.

The way he pulled on the back of my shirt and clutched at my hair with his trembling hands made me groan in delight.

"Ken... ma..."

The way he calls out to me makes me want to devour him.

I pulled away so we could have a moment to breathe and brushed my thumb over his cheek, massaged them with soothing circles, and pulled him into my body.

His legs hung over my knees and his body curved into mine to the point that I could feel his rough breathing against my abdomen.

"Kenma..." He panted out. The hand in my hair tightened its grip. "Last night..."

I know what this is leading to just by the guilt that flickered in his eyes. This isn't what I want right now, or ever, for that matter.

"If you apologize," I grumbled to him, "I'll stop right now."

What was I saying? What if he wanted to stop right now? At least it gives him an escape option. This isn't supposed to be happening, anyway.

But what would he say to such a threat?

Shouyou's grip tightened on my shirt tightened, but the one in my hair loosened. He traced a line down the back of my neck and to my shirt, where he pulled it up and over my head.

"Please... don't stop. Do anything else but stop..!"

I pulled my arms out of my shirt and let him toss it onto the floor before reaching up to wrap his arms around me once more. Not only that, but he moved his legs up and locked them behind my back, so, now, I'm completely trapped in his embrace.

Such sweet heaven.


Thank you for this amazing treat I'm about to indulge in, Gods.


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