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Kenma's POV

Our days together in middle school were probably some of the best I've ever had. Me, Kuroo, and Shoyo. I never thought I could take on another friend. Kuroo was always hard to deal with before, so another one didn't even cross my mind.

But it's been so much fun.

Shoyo's family is really kind, and, on top of that, they live a few streets from the school, so I can always come over. Of course, Shoyo's slept over at my place plenty of times, too.

Kuroo's grandmother always made him eat dinner before going anywhere, so Shoyo and I often had a few hours to ourselves before he showed up. Still, I never imagined myself enjoying someone's company so much.

He had trouble speaking for a long time, but, with the help of his family, his tutor, Kuroo, and I, he's gotten a pretty good grip on the language. It's also been fun learning Portuguese from him, too.

As the years passed, I found myself practically joined at his hip. We were best friends, I'd even go as far as to say. Summers were spent together, and Winter breaks, too.

During testing season, we'd study together. His mom was a stay-at-home parent, so we got to hang out with her and play with Shouyou's baby sister, as well.

We had plans to attend the same high school together, but, as the time approached, I noticed Shoyo becoming more and more uncertain about it.


present day :: third year of middle school

"Tens a certeza, querida? E os teus amigos?"

"Are you sure, honey? What about your friends?"

Shoyo and his mother were talking in the kitchen while she made dinner. Kuroo and I were sitting at the table studying, but it's not like we could understand what they were saying.

When it comes to Portuguese, I could tell you a few verbs and nouns, but nothing too strong. I'm completely lost in the conversation between the two.

"... A escola... O pai foi para... Eu quero ir para lá. Ele contou-me coisas boas sobre isso, e eu..."

"... The school... Dad went to... I want to go there.
He told me good things about it, and I..."

Kuroo and I watched as Shoyo's expression became one of sadness. His step-father walked in a moment later with Natsu in his arm and greeted us with a big smile and a wave.

"Hey, champ- What's wrong?"

Shoyo shook his head and turned on his heel to head back to his spot at the table. When he sat down, he looked up at us and chuckled.

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