Chapter 16

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I don't think the reminder of how he kissed me will ever leave my mind, even if I want it to. Once he told me he didn't want anything but sex, I ran away.

I made it to the end of the hallway and hid behind an opened door, crying for a reason still unknown to me. But how could anyone, especially him, be so cruel and mean to me? What did I do to him to get him like this?

At first I thought he was originally like this, but I've seen Michael Clifford online. He's so sweet around fans, and loves his bandmates a lot, even when he teases them. He's not the terrible guy that was standing in front of me.

All I wish is that I knew the reason behind his words? That's it. I don't even want an apology, all I want is a reason.

I rush downstairs and through the front door, ignoring the fact that my stomach will growl in a couple hours because I decided to skip breakfast.

I know either way I will be late to my first class of the day since my alarm decided to go off ten minutes late. Making my walk to school a bit more rushed than I had planned.

Yesterday Eli told me he had to go straight from work to school and back again to work double shifts that his boss asked him to do. Hence, the implication that he was not able to pick me up or drop me off today.

He offered to get his friend's to pick me up but I denied because I felt like I was just going to be a burden on their sleep. That's the reason why I don't tell my own friends to come pick me up. And Eli, well Eli insists that he has to go to school early either way to do his homework, but I believe he has enough time to do it after he comes out of work.

He plays Call Of Duty instead.

What I think are the real reasons are first and foremost importantly, his great jealousy on my next door neighbor.

Ryder Marsden.

My father's paid intern, to be exact, and a really handsome one at that. He used to take me to school, and don't think bad, he's three years older than me. And he doesn't flirt or make it obvious that he likes me like Eli always assumes.

Ever since Eli found Ryder talking to me, he kept picking me up and dropping me off. On one instant Eli was running late and Ryder offered me a ride to school, my father agreed before I could deny him. Eli was extremely angry with me and told me he hated the thought of any man flirting with me.

We had our first argument that day and it led to Ryder coming and him and Eli getting into a huge brawl that came to my mother first meeting Eli.

A terrible way for your mother to meet one of your new 'friends'.

I look up from the grass that's still marked with the fight of almost two years ago and I see him again.

I scoff.

"You know, when a guy tells a girl they only need them for sex and she tells you to stay away, the smartest thing to do is to stay away." I walk pass him and his car.

Does he even know how to drive in America?

"I was never known for my brains." I hear the boots pounding on the ground behind me.

"Seems like you use the wrong brain then."

I feel his fingers stroke on my arm and the electricity shoots through me, igniting every fiber again.

(A/N: Guys!! I'm a COLLEGE student!! Yaaasss, I'm ready to cry all day and study all night xD )

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2015 ⏰

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