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         Peter groaned as the green goblin threw him into yet another building. He'd been fighting him for hours and a large crowd had gathered and was watching the fight unfold. Which wasn't the best for fighting. They kept getting in the way and he constantly had to change his tactics so he didn't hurt them.  He swung away from the building and went to attack the green goblin again.  

"You won't be able to defeat me this time Spider-man!" The green goblin cackled.

Peter rolled his eyes and shot a web at the glider. The green goblin saw it coming too late and the web attached itself to the glider. He pulled it down to the ground and webbed up the engines. 

"How are you going to win now, Norman?" He taunted. "You don't have your glider anymore."

The green goblin smirked. "I wouldn't count myself out yet, Spider-man." 

Peter started to web him up when the green goblin threw something at him. Peter felt his spidey sense tingling and dodged it. It landed beside him instead. Peter finished webbing the green goblin up and looked at it. It looked like one of the green goblins typical bombs but where it was typically green now it was blue. Then, it exploded. Peter shouted in surprise and leapt back. He fell to the ground and looked around to make sure nobody was injured but nobody was there. He looked to where the green goblin used to be and saw him gone too. 

"Argh!" Peter shouted in frustration. 

I should've paid more attention to that bomb. He thought sulkingly.

He swung around new york looking for the green goblin but he was nowhere in sight. Peter eventually gave up and sat on a roof that faced the avengers tower. He did this every night. Just sat looking at the avengers tower and remembering all his happy memories of it. He sighed and took his mask off. Ever since he'd made the world forget who Peter Parker was, his life had been lonely. He was going to a community college and people were nice there but they just weren't ned or mj. He didn't know them very well mainly because he was still grieving. All of a sudden, his thoughts were interrupted by someone landing on the roof and metal clanking. Peter put his mask on and turned around. He froze when he saw Iron man standing there. He figured that it was green goblin trying to trick him or mess with his emotions to make him easier to beat.

"Your disguise isn't gonna work, Norman." He said, trying and failing to keep his voice from wavering.

"Who the fuck is Norman?" What sounded like Tony's voice replied. 

"Alright if you're not norman, who are you?" Peter asked, confused.

"Iron man? Tony stark? genius, playboy, billionaire, philanthropist? The most famous person in the world? Your mentor? Take your pick. Any of those work." The fake Tony replied. 

"And I'm Captain America." Peter said sarcastically. "No seriously, who are you? You have five seconds to tell me because I hate illusions and am not in the mood to deal with another villain at the moment."

"Uh, did you hit your head or something kid?" The fake Tony asked, confusion clear in his voice. "I'm your mentor? You work for me?"

"Five." Peter said, looking him dead in the eyes. Well, the eyes of the mask but still.

"I don't know what else to say!" The fake Tony sounded frustrated now. "Again, did you hit your head? Or did a villain erase your memories?"

"Four." Peter said. "And no, none of those things happened. I know who Tony stark and Iron man are. You just aren't him." 

"Yes I am. What the hell do you mean I'm not him? Do you need proof?" The fake Tony asked.

The suit opened up and the fake Tony stepped out.

"There. Is this enough proof?" He asked in annoyance. "Also where'd you get the new suit?"

"Three." Peter said. "No that proves nothing. Illusions can be very realistic. And you'd know where I got the suit if you were the real Tony."

"Arghhh." The fake Tony shouted. "I'm calling Steve. Maybe that will jog your memory." 

"Two." Peter said. "Ah, yes, bring another illusion to try to trick me even more. Like that'd work."

The fake Tony pulled out his phone. "Alright then I'll call Rhodey."

He dialed a number. 

"One." Peter said.

He shot a web at the fake Tony and grabbed his phone.

"Whoever this is, please refrain from using illusions to fight me. Also you're probably the worst villain I've ever fought so I'll let you have a couple days before I work up the energy to come and find you. Good day." He hung up the phone and turned to see the fake Tony back in his suit.

You're still gonna fight me?" Peter laughed humorlessly. "Ok."

He shot a web at the mask but the fake Tony dodged it. 

"Kid, I really don't want to fight you! Why don't we just go back to the tower and I'll prove I'm the real Tony." The fake Tony shouted.

"I'm not stupid!" He yelled back. "I'm not going to be lured into your stupid trap."

He heard another set of blasters and turned to see War Machine flying up to them.

"What the hell is going on Tony?" He yelled.

"I don't know. I was just coming to talk to the kid and he started spouting off some nonsense that I'm not real and attacked me." Tony yelled back.

Peter shot webs at both of them and War Machine shot the side right beside Peter with his blaster.

"Is that the best you can do?" Peter taunted.

"I'm not going to hurt you." War Machine said.

"Well I don't want to hurt you but here you are on the villain's side so I'm afraid I have to." Peter said.

"Wait, you believe he's real but not me?" The fake Tony said indignantly.

"Well he's not dead." Peter said.

"Excuse you?" The fake Tony asked.

"Alright this is taking too long." War Machine said. "Sorry about this kid."

He powered up his blaster and shot Peter.  The last thing Peter heard as he sank into unconsciousness was the fake Tony yelling at War Machine. 

And then he felt nothing.

A/N: I know green goblin is technically from another universe but meh. So please no hate for that part

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