Starting to Heal

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Peter watched as Thanos's army faded to dust and he silently cheered. He looked around the battlefield and saw everyone rejoicing. He looked for Mr. Stark and saw him laying against a rock. He swing over to him and as he got closer, his excitement faded to worry. Half of Mr. Starks face was badly burned and his suit was destroyed.
"Mr. Stark?" He asked.
He crouched down beside him, tears starting to form in his eyes.
"Hey," He said. "Mr. Stark, can you hear me? It's me, Peter."
When Mr. Stark didn't reply, he continued.
"We won, Mr. Stark. We won, Mr. Stark." He repeated. "We won. You did it. You did it."
He started crying.
"I'm sorry." His voice was unsteady. "I'm sorry...Tony."
Then, the his mind flickered to when Aunt May had died.
He was crouched beside her just like he had been with Tony and his heart broke as he heard her last words again.
"With great power," She paused, breathing shallowly. "Must also come great responsibility."
-End of Flashback-

Peter sat up in bed, covered in sweat. He hugged his knees to his chest and looked at the clock on his nightstand. It read 2:30 am and he sighed. There was no way he was gonna fall asleep again. He groaned and got up. He changed into some jeans and hoodie. Luckily in this situation, he hadn't grown any taller in the future. He stiffened. He had forgotten he was back in 2016. And in 2016, May was still alive! He checked the clock again and was relieved to see that only a couple minutes passed. If he was quick, he'd be able to beat May home. He quickly changed into his suit. He opened his window and jumped out. He webbed a nearby building and swung to his old apartment. He opened his bedroom window and climbed into his room. He took off his mask and felt tears prick his eyes as he remembered all the memories from this place. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and changed into some pajamas to make it look like he'd been asleep or at the very least in his room this entire time.
He walked out of his room and sat on the couch, waiting for May to come home. His heart leapt with joy when his spidey sense told him someone was coming and bounced off the couch. The door opened and May walked in tiredly.
"Aunt May!" Peter yelped excitedly.
May jumped and looked around.
"Peter? What are you still doing up? Don't tell me you had caffeine again." She groaned playfully.
"No." He whispered. "I was just excited to see you."
May chuckled. She walked over to the kitchen and flipped on the light. She looked at Peter and froze.
"Peter?" She asked hesitantly. "Why do you look...different?"
Peter groaned. In his excitement to see May, he'd completely forgotten he was from the future and would have to explain.
✨Le time skip✨
"So, your from the future?" May asked in disbelief for the third time.
Peter nodded patiently.
"Why were you so excited to see me then?" May asked abruptly. "I thought it was because I'm not home often but that's not it is it?"
Peter dropped his head into his hands.
May moved closer to him and pulled him into a hug. He leaned into her embrace and started crying quietly.
"Oh, Peter." She whispered. "I'm so sorry."
That made him cry harder. May had always been super understanding and he was very grateful for it.
"Will you tell me about your life?" She asked.
He pulled away from her embrace and dried his eyes.
"You don't have too if you're not ready yet." She said softly.
"No, it's ok." He said. "I want to tell you."
And so he proceeded to tell her about everything that happened in the next four years. He told her about Tony taking away the suit and Vulture and Liz. He told her about the war with Thanos and how Nat, Tony, and Steve were dead and how hard it was after that. He told her about Mj and Mysterio. He told her about how Mysterio had revealed his identity and he became the number one enemy. He told her jow he went to Dr. Strange and how they had messed up the multiverse and how he met the other two Peters. He told her about how she died and how his friends had comforted him. He told her how he had been blind with rage and almost killed the green goblin but Peter 1 had stopped him. And he told her about how he had Dr. Strange cast a spell for the entire world to forget Peter Parker to save the multiverse. And he told her about how dull his life had been after.
May hugged him tightly while he cried. After a while she pulled back and looked at him.
"Feel any better?" She asked gently.
He paused and to his surprise, he did. Being able to talk about it to May and not withholding it like he used to had helped more than he thought it would. He nodded and smiled at her. He wasn't completely better, that obviously wouldn't happen instantly, but he has started to heal. And that was all that mattered.
Then the doorbell rang.

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