Team Space :)

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Past Peter and Future Peter sat in Fury's office, waiting for him to make an appearance. Future Peter was really hoping he would come soon because he wanted to get a head start before the avengers tried to stop him. Past Peter just sat there in awe because he'd never even seen Fury before. Finally the door opened and Fury walked in and sat down across for them.

"Why are there two Spidermans in my office?" He asked, his face completely blank.

Past Peter was slightly intimidated and looked down. Future Peter, on the other hand, was used to dealing with Fury. Well, a version of Fury who acted pretty close to the real thing.

"I'm from the future and we need your pager to contact Captain Marvel." He said bluntly.

Fury took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair.

"Ok, first off, how do you know about that? Secondly, Why?" He demanded.

"So you're just not going to question he's from the future?" Past Peter looked up surprised.

"No. It's not the weirdest thing I've dealt with." Fury answered still looking at Future Peter.

"Well, I know about the pager because I'm from the future and it was used to call her to help in a fight with Thanos. He's an alien who destroyed half of humanity and I'm hoping to stop him early in the game so that doesn't happen again because there were too many losses. So, I want to call Captain Marvel, get her on my team and also see if she can get in contact with the Guardians and see if they'll be on my team." Future Peter explained.

Both of them looked at him in surprise.

"And tell me why I should let you deal with it now and potentially mess something up for us in the future rather than deal with him when we do?" He asked, leaning forward again.

"Er, Tony dies," Future Peter started off.

"You definitely have to have something more than that because in my book that's a less annoying life." Fury interrupted.

Future Peter glared at him and continued. "Natasha and Steve also die. Also Thanos did make half of humanity disappear for a while. Clint did something bad because his family was part of the half that got snapped. Not really sure what happened there but I believe he went around murdering people. Gamora dies. You don't know her though so you probably don't care about that. Loki dies but you probably don't care about that either. Oh and when everyone is brought back, it messes up tons of lives because the alive people had grown used to missing half of humanity. Also, Shield doesn't exist anymore so you're in charge of anything anymore."

Past Peter looked at him, shocked. That was what the future was. No wonder his future self was so unhappy. Fury studied him.

"Fine. You may use the pager. On one condition. You get a couple avengers to come with you as well. I recommend Tony so he has another chance to die and stop complicating my life and Thor because he's strong and against someone you just described, someone able to make half of humanity disappear, you're gonna need him." He instructed.

"Deal." Future Peter shook Fury's hand.

"I'll call Carol and have her grab the Guardians. Meet us back here on the roof." Fury got up and walked out.

Future Peter and Past Peter decided to swing out the window, deeming it quicker than going down the stairs.

"Well he was nice." Past Peter said sarcastically.

"That was actually the nicest he's ever been to me." Future Peter informed him.

"Really?" Past Peter looked at him.

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