Author's note #2

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Indie film producer likes Starlet Series! - Nevermind... (Here's what went down over 7 months time if you're interested):

I've had a lot of interest in the Starlet Series and had conditional offers - both wanting me to ditch the YA audience and add gratuitous sex scenes to make Starlet's Web a hot read.

Now I have interest in it as is! An indie film producer loves that the teens question Hollywood's train wreck values and rise above stereotype. Yay!

I best educate myself about the indie film business! Cheers, Carla

Dec 3, 2014 update: the indie film producer is still interested. He had some funding and  distribution challenges that he might work out. I won't know anything until after the holidays.

Dec 5, 2014 update: he dropped it so I'm free to do whatever I want with the series. He got a definite 'no' from the investor he targeted - the investor thinks it is too risky to have Manuel be Christian and Liana abstain for so long. The investor said that if I drop prayers and church and make Liana Marie more sleazy then teens would see it but her being a 'good girl' is boring. What do you think?

Starlet's Web is available here on Wattpad and as an ebook on iTunes bookstore, Amazon, Nook, and Kobobooks worldwide. Download today - it is cheaper than a frozen yogurt! Or buy the hardcopy from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or The Tattered Cover Bookstore.





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Starlet's Run and Starlet's Light are also available online as novels. I do not intend to upload them on Wattpad but do intend to upload the draft of Starlet's Man. Please find more information on my website,

Again, thank you for reading. Much love, Carla

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