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[[ Btw, you pronounce Xacier's name as: Ace-er. You don't have to pronounce it that way though if you like you're way better :3 and I was listening to Zedd- Done With Love while writing this -3- It's a good song in my opinion ]]

I looked up at Xacier deliriously, my eyes drooping from exhaustion. He was shuffling through the nightstand while I laid comfortably on the bed.
"Xacier..." I started to mumble, yawning slightly, "I gotta go..get a job..."
His lovely purple eyes shift into mine only for a split second before he went back to what he was doing.
A soft sigh escaped my lips as I just nuzzle into the blanket. As expected, he was just ignoring me. I had a feeling the he wasn't just going to let walk out the front door since trouble seems to follow me everywhere.
I really don't want to face Jason or Chris at the moment. I thought those two were dating, so, why the hell does Jason keep attacking me?
"Hey, Xacier... what's the deal with Chris and Jason?" I ask, curiosity getting the best of me.
His head snapped up, it seemed like he was suddenly aware of everything around him. He narrows his eyes at me almost asking me why in the world I wanted to know.
Who would have know Xacier was possessive?
Maybe I shouldn't have asked that, he may interpret it a different way than what I meant. I grab the blankets and curl them around me before turning away from Xacier, having my back face him. Smart move or not, I just didn't want to look into his eyes. They aren't comforting anymore, they don't make me feel warm and fuzzy when staring into them. His eyes are now ice cold and it's killing me.
Silence surrounds us, my ears strain to hear movement. I hate it how deathly silent he is, you would never notice him if you weren't looking for specifically him.
The bed dips, I feel his weight shift over towards me before I feel his arms wrap around my waist. He suddenly pulls me up and into his lap, I try to turn my head back to look at him but he doesn't let me.
"Xacier, what are you doing?" He buried his face into the crook of my neck as his grip tightens around me.
I groan, this is probably the fifth time he's done this to me and not let me move out of his lap for hours. I think he's doing it because he's upset or something. I don't know, and frankly I don't know anything anymore.
I'm trying not to upset Xacier but everything I say makes him upset. I need a job, I need to pay rent, and all the other shit you need to buy to remain alive. I lean against him and allow my eyes to close, I'm just going to stay here in his lap. I'm not gonna speak or move, I'm just going to let him do what he wants. After all, I do feel guilty about the whole Jason thing and I really don't want him to get the wrong idea about me and him.

Seconds tick by into minutes, minutes move to hours, and hours feel like eternity. His hold hasn't weakened and by the feel of it, he isn't planing on letting go any time soon.
"Xacier..." I mumbled and wiggle around in his hold. I need to move, I feel the numbness in my legs and arms and a heavy weight in my bladder. I can't sit here for eternity or I'll explode.
His grip only tightens, I feel him nuzzle into my neck and a groan escapes my lips.
"Let me go!" I growled and started kicking my feet. But it was completely unneeded since he peeled away completely from me and shuffles away rather sadly. As for I, I darted out of bed and in to the bathroom because my bladder was killing me. Oh god, I was going to wet a bed for a minute there!
After reliving myself, I wash my face and look up to the non-existent mirror.

Why doesn't he have any mirrors?
"Hey Xacier," I call while walking out of the bathroom, "why don't you have any mirrors?"
Of course there was no response, and he wasn't in the bedroom anymore. I let out a long sigh before searching all the other rooms, not finding him anywhere and only found the front door open.
Wide open.
Did he leave it open when he took me back from Jason and Chris?
I poke my head out, looking side to side before closing it, kicking it slightly to make sure that it was in place.
It was rather odd that he kept his door open since he was so closed in and shy.
I look around again, this time finding him at the kitchen table. His head flat against the table and out of view as his finger repeated the same shape over and over again.
I may not be able he see his expression but I could certainly feel the sadness rolling off of him. My heart tightens as my gaze shifts down to my feet. He probably thinks that Jason and I are an item... That we're dating or something.
"I don't like Jason." I blurt out suddenly, Xacier's head snaps up with a surprised expression on his face. "I...I don't want you to get the wrong idea." I mumbled softly but what if Xacier doesn't even care about it? What if he actually doesn't like me? 

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