The Man

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I woke up angrily, the leaky ceiling was pouring down on me all night. I'm soaked, I'm cold, and I'm moody as fuck.

I stand up, I attempt to move my bed with all my force, blinded by anger to even realize that the splintery floor was ripping into my bare feet.

I let out a soft cry before feeling the agonizing pain. I know that sounds dramatic but, Jesus! It hurt like hell!

The bottom of my feet were all bloody, and I'm sure the blood puddle with stain the moldy floor. I just dragged my ass back into my soaked bed, whimpering and crying softly.

What kind of idiot attempts to move a 70 pound (or at least that is what it feels like) bed all by themselves?
Oh right, me.

"I'm such an idiot..." I mumbled, sighing softly as I close my eyes.
I know I'm gonna be here for awhile.


I'm tired, cold, wet, hungry, and have a bladder that can explode any minute now. Oh, and I can't move. Goddammit, I also probably missed work. Its almost dark out and I'm a sitting duck for my nightmares to haunt me.

And they do.

Vivid memories of memories I don't even remember or even experienced would always come to me.
Though there's always that man in every dream I have. He's always chasing me around, and if I don't run...

He pulls out his knife, placing the shiny and sharp blade against my throat. He presses it against me, the blade sliding through my skin.
"Do you remember me..?" I would hear him pant. I open my mouth to scream but my throat was so dry and scratchy that I made no sound.
"Go ahead...scream and'll only make this more exciting for me..." The man whispered, his smile wide and his teeth were sharp or missing.
He retracted his knife, raising it high in the air before stabbing my throat. I instantly start to choke on my own blood as I watch the knife stab through my throat.
I try to focus on the males face but it was only a blur. I can only remember that demented and insane smile.

I let out a choked cry, tears brimming in my eyes before they roll down my cheek.

The only pain I'm feeling is my feet are numb and tired.
I'm not sure how long I cried for but I heard my door open softly. I tremble in fear
He's here to kill me...
I hear soft footsteps against my moldy floor, a pair of arms wrap around my body.
I thrash in the mans hold, letting out a choked cry. Nothing came out because my throat was dry and itchy.

I was lifted off the bed and taken out of my room, I felt dizzy and my vision was blurred.

Cold air hit my skin, I shiver before felling a warmth topple over me. A sticky liquid goes through my lips and I'm forced to swallow. The warmth suddenly left and I was placed on something fluffy and I felt something soft placed over me.
[ HNNNNNGGGGGGG I hope this chapter was okay, I'm not feeling right and I hope that it didn't effect my writing in a bad way.... Hehe... ]

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