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I just woke up with a aching back and a pounding head. I watch the exhausted black haired man sleep in the chair besides my bed with his hand in mine, I don't know when he got here. The doctor walked in, placing his clipboard on the counter.

"Are you feeling any better?" He asks in a soft, gentle tone as if he already knew a headache was coming on. 

"Yeah..." I reply, my voice hoarse and scratchy, "My back just hurts from this bed."

The doctor just let out a chuckle as he starts to check all the machines, "Of course, that's normal. After all, you were in a coma for six months." 

My eyes grew as wide as saucers when he said that, six months?! I've been here for six months?! This bill is going to be freaking outrageous, not only that, that means Xacier has been waiting for me for this long. Only I would confess to someone then go in a coma for six months!

"Wh-what happened?" I asked softly, what even caused all of this? I don't remember anything other than running away from Xacier.

"You were hit by a semi truck, dragged you half a block. You'll have to go into physical therapy before you'll be able to stand on your own two feet again." My eyes closed and I let out a soft groan, I can't believe I fucking ran in front of a semi truck. I'm a idiot. "And Mr. Galaxy there carried you here, it's nice to see him care for someone again."

The doctor didn't say much else as I laid back on the bed with my eyes closed, eventually the doctor left and I was left with the annoying beeps of a heart monitor and my thoughts. What did he mean 'its nice to see him care for someone again'? Did they know each other?  

A soft sigh escapes my lips, I need to stop thinking about questions I don't know the answer to before I get a major headache. I open my eyes again and shake my hand from out underneath Xacier's hand so I could run it through the soft black hair. I couldn't help but recall what he looked like when he was little boy. Small, pale, blue brilliant eyes, very short black curly hair, and such a beautiful smile. What exactly happened to him? What turned that happy, sassy little boy into a mute and introverted man? I soft sigh escapes my lips, Auro...his name was Auro back then. How did you get Auro out of Xacier? 

I felt like screaming right then and there, I wanted to run miles and miles, and I especially wanted to get out of this stupid hospital. Six months was plenty of time!

Xacier started to stir in his sleep before he actually sat up in his chair, rubbing his tired eyes. I held my breath, Xacier was awake and now I had no where to run. His eyes finally shifted over to mine and I saw the most wrecked person in the entire world. Deep black and purple bags underneath his eyes, his face all stubbly so it was obvious he hasn't shaved at all, his purple eyes blood shot and exhausted looking that it made it look like he was crying, his hair was a curly tangled mess, and his skin was paler than usual. Neither of us moved, we just sat there in silence until I reached out and caressed Xacier's cheek. 

"I remember you." Was the last thing I said before the heart monitor went crazy.

[][  Haha, Hikaru you weak little shit. Stop postponing your love already. Anyways, this is a time skip thing. We're going to skip to four hours later, and btw the song is from Walk the Moon - Iscariot][]

My head hurts so badly, I really want some medicine. Someone turn off these lights and take this fucking thing off of my face. It's shoving oxygen down my face and I feel as if I'm going to choke on air and that my mouth is as dry as a desert. I reach up and tear the damn mask off my face, only to have someone push it back down. 

"Please keep this on." A sickly sweet voice said and I just groan and try again to rip it off my face. I thrash around in the bed, ignoring the woman's pleas to stop. I don't want to be here any longer, I only want to go home. And by home I mean Xacier's apartment. 

The doctor barges in and attempts to get me to stop, but no. I'm going to get out of this bed and I'm going to go home. Soon, I felt as if the entire staff was trying to push me onto the bed, after a moment or two some of the people disperse and a pair of strong arms pin me against the bed. 

Fuck, let me go.  Let me go!

"Please calm down, you might hurt yourself," A fucking thick ass accent says as he pins me against the bed in with ease. The more I struggled, the more tired got. It ended with me panting and muttering underneath my breath of how much I would rather be home than here.

"Is everything alright here? Well besides him from trying to escape?" The thick accent says and I doesn't take me long to realize that it was a Russian accent. Fuck these Russians, popping up everywhere I go!

"He had a seizure when you're son was visiting, we did a CT scan on his brain and found something interesting. Also, bright lights may irritate him, so will loud sounds. He may not be able to see very well for a while but other than that, he'll be fine." The doctor with the soft voice said.

Wait a damn second. Did he just say son ?! And what the fuck did they find in my fucking brain?!

"A tumor?" The Russia accent voice said.

Oh god I don't want to hear this, I'll just think to hard about it an get a major headache. 

They continued to talk about it, and the worse my head pounded. I felt as if it was going to explode if they don't get the fuck out of here!

"Well, the tumor may cause illusions and voices that no one else would hear or see." the accented voice mumbled and that was the last straw for me.

"Shut the fuck up, get out of here, and turn off the fucking light!" I screech, my arms flail around and I heard everyone scurry out of the room in a hurry and I felt the strong arms pin my arms down against the bed. 

The hands didn't let me go and all I could here was the beeping of the heart monitor. Every pulse sent my mind into a chaotic mess, I attempt to get up so I could turn the damn thing off but the strangers hold didn't allow me to move very far. 

All I could do was throw my head back and groan, and that's what I did. My mouth feeling incredibly dry and I was blind as a bat.

"C-could I have a cup of water?" I hear myself ask, I could barely recognize myself because my voice was so scratchy and hoarse. I felt the hands slowly pull away from my arms and I don't move, I'd much rather get a glass of water then throw the heart monitor across the room. 

Soon the person came back, I know that because they helped me sit up and placed the paper cup directly in my hands. I freaking swallowed the entire cup, I was so thirsty that I didn't care if I drank the paper along with the water. The person, who I assume is a doctor, took the cup and refilled it before handing it back to me. I drank it all before the doctor took it away and I laid back against the bed. My throat didn't feel any better, I feel like drinking the water just irritated my throat even more. 

I felt myself start to fall asleep again as the door to my room opened slowly.

"Well, it's nice to see you again." The accented male said softly, no words were exchanged from the other person. I heard shuffling and a chair softly scraping against the tile floor, the lavender scent invaded my nose once more while a hand wrapped around my own, and I knew that Xacier was with me before I fell asleep.

[][I think I'm going to do a Xacier's POV next while Hikaru is sleeping, also sorry for the crappy chapters. I've had a major headache.][]

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