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[][ I suddenly gained some reader ;3; my precious babies~ I love chu!
Anyways, here's the next chapter, I didn't edit it cause I'm lazy...][]

I woke up warm and cozy, followed by a lavender scent. I snuggled up closer to the scent and the warmth, I let out a happy sound and smiled softly. I felt something comb my hair back, I nuzzled into the object before feeling lips press against my forehead. I blushed subconsciously, letting out another happy and cute sound.
It feels like a giant warm teddy bear snuck into my cold and wet bed.
My eyes slowly flutter open, I slowly look up seeing a pair of two lovely purple eyes with black feather like eyelashes. My breath hitched, I feel the back of my flush and felt it creep up to my cheeks.
"Xac-Xacier..." I stuttered softly, how'd did I end up here? I look at Xacier but feeling a strange sensation consume my entire being. I curl up around him and hide my face in the crook of his neck. Oh my god... I can't believe he...

Xacier flip me over so I was on my back and he he was hovering above me.

I can't believe he...

Xacier caresses my cheek, my heart pounding out of my chest. I can't move because my body is numb.

I can't...

Xacier leaned down, pressing his lips against mine rather softly. I exploded in this feeling, my heart was overjoyed with this feeling and I quickly grabbed my chest in fear that my heart would escape my chest.

Dear god, I can't believe he smiled...

My eyes were squeezed shut, Im sure I looked like a tomato. I hear Xacier chuckle and felt the space between our bodies close. I try to hide my face again but Xacier doesn't allow me, he careasses my cheek while waiting patiently for me to open my eyes.

My heart won't calm down, my brain can't stop thinking about Xacier and how he smiled. I let out a soft sound before opening my eyes when hearing Xacier chuckle again, a smile was still in his lips and I felt... I don't even know how I feel.... But I know I lost my heart, and Xacier took it from me.
Oh dear god... I fell in love with this man who was so sweet and kind but was mistaken for a monster.

Xacier was still smiling softly at me, his lavender eyes gleaming with happiness. I squirmed, a soft sound escaped my lips and I hid my face into Xacier's despite how hard he tried to make eye contact with me.
I blushed even darker,
Before I started avoiding him, he couldn't look at me straight in the eye at all. But now....

I felt unbelievably flattered, happy, and embarrassed. I think Xacier noticed because he started to stroke my hair and rubbed my back slightly to comfort me.
My mind spun around, my grip on Xacier's shirt tightened as he held me closer.

I feel so.. so amazing.

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