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~mood for the chapter 

TW/CW: brief mentions of sexual coercion

Every nerve was on fire, every muscle tense with excitement as they kissed.

There was a passion behind their lips that had been building for quite some time now, waiting for the right moment to burst towards the surface.

All the sexual tension between them was going to come to fruition tonight. And if the earlier make out session in the pool hadn't already confirmed that, this definitely would. 

They were on the way to taking a big step together. Whether this had been the plan for the day all along or not, it didn't matter.

This was happening, and Lili did not want it to stop. It felt good, and she was eager to see where this would take them. 

Even if things didn't go any further than kissing on the couch, she would be content. She was stepping so far out of her comfort zone for the first time in a long time, and it was encouraging.

She wanted this more than anything.

Niall's strong hands immediately found her hips, gripping them with such force that Lili had no choice but to whimper into his mouth. His fingertips pressed deep into her hip bones.

His touch was electrifying.

She pulled back momentarily, though it nearly killed her to do so. The moment their eyes met, a wave of comfort she didn't know she needed washed over her. 

"Is this okay?" she asked, completely breathless. "Do you want to keep going?"

Though they had felt the pressure mounting all day, she couldn't know with 100% certainty that he wanted this as much as she did.

She had made a move in a moment of confidence, but would stop everything the second he said he wasn't comfortable.

The last thing she wanted to do was put him in a compromising position. Consent was a two-way street.

The blood rushed in her ears as she awaited his response, heart pounding at the base of her throat.

Niall nodded fervently; his cheeks were a deep shade of pink and his pupils were so wide, there was practically no blue left. The corners of his lips pulled up into a playful smirk.

That was all she needed.

She grinned and leaned back down to reconnect their lips with her heart now fully in her throat. Fireworks burst in her chest and stomach with every caress of his lips against hers.

Carefully, she shifted her hips down against him to create some friction, causing him to groan and buck his hips upwards in response.

Their hips collided. It was deadly, and made Lili crave him even more. Her body was practically buzzing with anticipation.

The dull throbbing between her legs seemed to beat harder and harder each time his tongue touched hers, and if they didn't do anything about it soon, it might just drive her insane.

Niall's hands, which had been resting on her hips, began trailing along her curves underneath her shirt, journeying higher and higher on her body.

His rough fingertips tickled her skin, and she whimpered quietly into his mouth as chills exploded along her abdomen.

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