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"It takes a strong heart to love, but an even stronger heart to continue to love after its been hurt" - Unknown

Zayn and Maria's wedding was magical, to put it simply. From the very start, it was perfect.

The atmosphere in the reception hall that night was like no other. Electric didn't begin to cut it.

Everyone was clearly overjoyed, amped up and excited, and no one could stop dancing. Even if they wanted to, it was like their bodies wouldn't let them take a break.

The adrenaline in the room was palpable.

Song after song, every single person screamed out the lyrics, jumped around with their friends, and laughed as they caught their breath during the one second between beats.

From Maria's 90-year-old grandmother to Zayn's 11-year-old cousin, there wasn't a single soul letting the night go to waste.

It was clear that every person in that room was having time of their life.

But Lili was certain that no one, not even the bride or groom, was having a better night than she and Niall.

How could they?

Sure, Maria and Zayn had just gotten married, and everything from the ceremony to the maid of honour's speech was beautiful.

But it couldn't possibly compare to how Lili and Niall's night had gone.

They'd just said "I love you" for the very first time, and there couldn't be anything better than that.

Clean, fresh oxygen was being pumped into Lili's lungs after she'd spent her life breathing in carbon dioxide. She was seeing the world in a clearer, happier light.

Like her vision had been blurry for so long and, after she spent so many years trying on glasses that never seemed to fit, she was finally wearing the right pair.

If anything had changed in the moments following Niall's confession of love, Lili didn't see it.

The music was still playing at the same volume it had been at all night. Drinks were still being handed out at the bar.

But it felt like the world had just completely turned on its axis, the planets and stars were finally aligning, and all sadness had been eradicated from existence. It damn well felt like she could never be sad again.

Her tears had dried, but the smile just wouldn't leave her face. It may have been permanently etched into her skin now.

Except now, the dancing was becoming too much to handle. Lili was panting heavily – she couldn't take a deep breath. She grabbed Niall's arm and gestured to their table, signaling that she needed a break.

It was the perfect moment to leave the dance floor as well; a soft ballad had started playing, and all the kids ran off to avoid seeing anything romantic.

Niall smiled softly at her. "I'll go get us some drinks, you go sit down. I'll meet you at the table."

Lili nodded and sent him off with a kiss, watching him stride over to the bar. Her legs were about to give out, so she had to keep her staring to a minimum.

She turned on her heel and made her way to the table. Someone touched her arm gently. She turned to see a red-faced Liam smiling down at her. Grace wound her arm in his, keeping herself steady.

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