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March 4th, 1963

Y/N's POV:

Here i am........26 and cooped up in my house all day, well at least i have Jessica,Marlana,Marci,and Marilyn with me. My best friends....i walk into the living room with a 5 glasses in my hand with a bottle of wine, "girls did y'all hear about that delicious man who's coming in our town for his concert?" I turn to Jessica "who are you talking about jess" i ask with a smirk on my face as i began to sit down putting the glasses down on the table. "Elvis fuckin presley, thats who" she says smiling, "oh my GODDDD" we all start squealing, "but wait.....how will we get in, were broke" lana says frowning. "Wellllll, soooo you know eddie right...." jess says giggling "so eddie knew Elvis's friend Red, and he introduced us so then we started talking and we had amazing sex, so now we have free tickets girls" she says laughing "omg jess you are such a genius" marci says laughing, "oh god jess" Marilyn says pouring the wine into our glasses. Before i could even say anything my mother came in, and grabbed my arm, "come on sweetheart its time to go" she says with a shaking voice, i could tell something was wrong, but nonetheless i got up and told my friends bye and i left, i got in the car and headed home, the car ride was quiet and a little sad. I got home and i went upstairs to take a quick nap.

I woke up to hearing screaming and glass breaking, I was so confused as to why it was so much commotion downstairs, so I ran downstairs and I saw my father and my mother, my mother was sitting down crying and begging him nit to hurt me. "D-dad" was all I could get out before I heard him say"YOU". That was all he said before he hit me, and before I knew it my father was throwing bottles of glass at me and he hit me, "YOU LITTLE SHIT, I FUCKING HATE YOU" he screamed at me while chocking me, I heard my mother screaming at him to let me go. I felt like I was losing air, I clawed his face and he let go of me and stumbled back. I was crying and coughing, "What did I even do to you" I whispered. I walked upstairs and slammed my door while crying. I had gone back downstairs and he was sitting in a chair with his cigar and when he saw me he took his cigar out his mouth, "Get out.....". "Daddy I have no where to go..." I said trying not to cry, "that ain't my fuckin problem" he said. I stood there hurt... "GET OUT" he screamed at me. "FINE" I turned around and stormed upstairs, I packed my stuff up and I went back downstairs. 'hes sleeping' I thought to myself....I reached and grabbed his wallet and stole 10$. "This outta do me some good...." I whispered. I left the house in tears, it was raining and I was drenched in tears and rain. I needed a lift, I felt so drained and tired. I saw a car coming my way so I stood in the front of it and it stopped, I saw a man get out. "Help me please...my father is abusive please help me, I have no where to go" I pleaded to the man. "Darlin, it's ok what's your name" the man asked, "y-y/n L/n" I said weakly. "Darlin I'm Elvis Presley, your gonna be coming home with me darlin" he picked me up bridal style and put me inside the car. I passed out.

Elvis's POV:

I was on my way to Graceland when I saw a young lady in the middle of the road, Red hit the brakes and I got out. "Help me please...my father is abusive please help me, I have no where to go"  she said, "Darlin, it's ok what's your name" I asked, "y-y/n L/n" she said weakly. "Darlin I'm Elvis Presley, your gonna be coming home with me darlin" I picked her up bridal style and put her inside the car. She passed out. I didn't know if she was ok, she had bruises and cuts all over her. I caressed her head and held her.

                      TIME SKIP
We arrived at Graceland, I got out of the car, "Red get her bag" I told him. I carried her inside and upstairs to my room, I sat her on the chair. I tapped her cheek a bit "Darlin, wake up" I said. Her eyes fluttered, she fully opened them, "atta girl, you ok?" I said. She gasped, "y-your Elvis P-P-Presley" she was nervous. "The one and only darlin, your gonna be staying here for a while...let's go get you cleaned up" I said picking her up. She blushed, "I can't believe it's actually you" she whispered, I took her to my bathroom and ran some bathwater for her. I helped her get out of her clothes and I helped her get in, "darlin, I'll be downstairs if you need me" I said walking out. I walked out of my room "Mama, make sure she gets clean and make sure she's ok and that's she's comfortable" I told her. "Of course honey" she responded.

Y/n's POV:

I woke up to the sight of the one and only, Elvis Presley, I was so nervous, was it really him? I gasped, "y-your Elvis P-P-Presley" I said, nervously. "The one and only darlin, your gonna be staying here for a while...let's go get you cleaned up" he said picking me up. I blushed, "I can't believe it's actually you" I whispered, he took me to his bathroom and ran some bathwater for me. He helped me get out of my clothes and he helped me get in, "darlin, I'll be downstairs if you need me" he said walking out. I was confused and happy, 'Im in the house of Elvis Presley' I thought to myself. A woman came in the bathroom with a first aid kit with bandages and a pajama set. "Hi ma'am I am Elvis's mama. I am going to be fixing you up, I hope that this is ok with you" she smiled. "Hi, you seem lovely and it's ok with me" I said smiling back, "ok let's get started" she said. I asked her questions about Elvis, which she told me a lot about him and how he is. After a while she finished and she told me to put on the pajama set. She left and I got up and looked at the pajama set, it said "Mrs. Presley". I blushed and I put lotion on and I put the pajamas on, I left the bathroom and I left the room. I went downstairs and I saw Elvis and 6 other men, I was confused, Elvis saw me. "Hey darlin, come here" Elvis said, 'god his southern voice was hot', I walked over to him and he got up and pulled out a seat for me, I sat down and smiled. We talked for hours, I got to know him better and he got to know me better. "Um, Elvis...why do these say Mrs. Presley on them" I asked, "because they belong to my mother, and they were the only female pajamas in this house". He told me, "ahh ok" I told him goodnight and thanked him for everything, I walked to one of the rooms "darlin where ya goin?" He asked, "to my room" I said turning around. "Your stayin in my room with me" Elvis said, "only if you want to" he reassured me. "Ok" I said and followed him up to the room, once we got inside of the room I got in the bed and sat up, Elvis got in the bed and sat up, "u-um...so, what am i to you now" I asked him. "If you want to...you can be Mrs. Presley" he said looking at me,  I checked on my words "really?" I asked, "of course darlin" he said excitedly. "So were a couple now" i asked him, "yea darlin" he said.

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