Pretty mama

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March 5th 1963

Elvis's POV:

I wake up and see y/n peacefully sleeping, I kissed her on her forehead and got out of bed and brushed my teeth and got ready. I walked back in the room and saw that she was sitting up, "good morning pretty mama" I said smirking, I got on the bed and kissed her passionately, she kissed me back. She got up and got in the shower, I laid outfits out for her and I left the room and I went down to go to breakfast. "Good morning fellas" I greeted my men, we began eating and talking about the concert today. "Where's y/n?" Red asked, "shes in the room getting ready" I responded. She came down and she looked so good.
"Damn mama, you look stunnin" I said, smiling, I got up and kisses her while holding onto her waist. "Alright that's nasty stop" red said, I chuckled. She sat down and started eating, she looked at me and smiled, she picked up a strawberry and held it up to my mouth, I bit it and she giggled, she ate the rest of it. After we were finished we went back to the room, I sat on the bed while she was doing her hair, she came out "come here" I said. She walked over to me and sat on my lap facing me and I wrapped my arms around her waist, and kissed her deeply. "Elvis, we have to go, because your gonna be late." She said getting off of me. "Ok, let's go Darlin" I said

Y/n's POV:

I had gotten out of the shower when I saw there were some outfits laying out for me, I smiled. I looked at all the outfits and I chose one, it fit me perfectly. I had gone downstairs when I was greeted bye Elvis, "Damn mama, you look stunnin" he said, smiling, he got up and kissed me while holding onto my waist. "Alright that's nasty stop" red said, Elvis chuckled. I sat down and started eating, I looked at him and smiled, I picked up a strawberry and held it up to Elvis's mouth, he bit it and I giggled, I ate the rest of it. After we were finished we went back to the room, he sat on the bed while I was doing my hair, I came out "come here" he said. I walked over to him and sat on his lap facing him and he wrapped his arms around my waist, and kissed me deeply. "Elvis, we have to go, because your gonna be late." I said getting off of him. "Ok, let's go Darlin" he said

We arrived at the concert hall, he was in his dressing room when i came in, he was laid back on his couch and he had his head leaned back. God was he sexy, I walked over to him startling him, "Are you ready soldier boy" I asked him smiling, "yea, wish me luck mama" he said kissing me. I got off of him, he got up and grabbed his stuff and walked out.

Elvis's POV:

We arrived at the concert hall, I was in my dressing room when she came in, i was laid back on my couch and I had my head leaned back. She walked over to me, startling me. I looked at her. "Are you ready soldier boy" she asked me smiling, "yea, wish me luck mama" I said kissing her. She got off of me, I got up and grabbed my stuff and walked out. I made my way to the stage and I heard screams of excitement and love, "How y'all doin tonight" I said getting ready, screams came as a response to my question. I started singing "Mean woman blues". The song ended and, I began to sing "Teddy bear" I looked back and saw my darlin, standing there smiling singing along with me. I stopped singing, "fellas have you ever fallen in love with a woman too good for ya"? I asked the men, I got 'yeahs' from the crowd, "I did....please welcome Y/n Presley" I said, the crowd went crazy, y/n walked out and came over to me and I grabbed her waist and smiled, "were not married yet, but she will be Mrs. Presley, within this week." I told the crowd. I started singing teddy bear, and I gave her the mic, she started singing it with me. I had never heard her sing before, and God did she have a beautiful voice. She had the voice of an angel, the crowd was screaming her name, while she was singing. When she started singing I fell in love all over again, I played the guitar as she sang. She was beautiful and she had my heart, she finished the song and hugged me. "I love you Memphis!" she exclaimed. She left the stage and I continued singing. I sang about 2 more songs then I was done. "Thank you ladies and gentlemen for coming, love you Memphis" I said out of breath. The crowd cheered and I walked off stage, I walked over to y/n and I hugged her tightly. She kissed me all over my face "you did so good baby!!!" She squealed, "you did amazing darlin" I said picking her up and spinning her around while kissing her.

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