Christmas Love

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December 24th 1963

Y/n's POV:

It's been a couple days since we brought our new babygirl home, it was her first Christmas, I was feeding her while Elvis and Joe were out. They had gone out to find a Christmas tree for us, I was very stressed and tired, I just needed a good long nap. After I fed I, I sat on the couch and i burped her, after a few taps on the back she made a little hiccup/burp sound, and god it was adorable. "Oh good job babygirl you did it" I say in my "baby" voice, I cradled her in my arms until she fell asleep, I put her in her crib, that was in front of the couch, I was tired, so I took a little nap myself.

Gladys's POV:

I came downstairs, and saw Y/n sleeping peacefully on the couch with the baby in the crib, I walked in the kitchen, and got a snack. The baby started crying, I walked over and picked her up shushing her, I rocked the baby. I sang one of my son's songs, to her and she fell asleep again, I put her back in her crib and I covered her up with a blanket. Y/n had woken up but she was crying for some reason, "oh dear what's wrong" I sat next to her, "i-im so overwhelmed and I feel like Elvis isn't help take care of her....and it hurts but I understand why, h-hes doing tours and shows and I, just don't wanna pressure him" she sounded so hurt and so tired.

Elvis's POV:

Me and Joe where out to get a tree, we had already gotten presents but we just needed another tree, due to Joe falling on our first tree. I missed my girls, we found a tree and we liked it so we bought it, we strapped it to the car and headed home. When we got home I saw my babygirl laying in her crib, I put the tree down, I went upstairs and I went to my room. Y/n was standing and looking out the window, she sniffled "babydoll, what's wrong" I walked over to her and turned her around, she was crying "Elvis, I feel like your not helping me take care of our babygirl, but I know that you have a lot of tours and shows to do and I get it, but I need your help sometimes, but I just don't want to overwhelm you" she sounded hurt, and it broke every piece of me to know that I made her feel like this. "Babydoll, I am truly sorry for making you feel like this, I'll cut off 2 tours, to make up for lost time" I loved her, "I love you Elvis" she said smiling "I love you too y/n" I said smiling back, "me and Joe got a tree and we wanted to wait until you came down to decorate it" I said, "ok let's go". We decorated it and it looked very good, babygirl started crying so I walked over and picked her up and sang to her, while swaying softly.

Joe's POV:

After we got finished decorating the baby started crying so E walked over and picked her up and sang to her, while swaying softly. He was so gentle with her, I looked over to y/n and saw her smiling while getting the baby's food ready. I walked over to y/n and helped her prepare the milk, "he's trying to be a good dad...y'know" I say smiling, "yeah I know, but he isn't a trying to be a good dad, he is a good dad" she said smiling. After we finished preparing the milk for the baby, I went to the bathroom.

Y/n's POV:

After me and Joe finished making babygirls milk, I walked over to Elvis and I handed him the milk and we sat down, "if you want I can feed her while you rest" I say smiling, "oh no babydoll you go and take a bath, I'll take care of her" Elvis says, I nod my head and I make my way upstairs and I start my bath, after a while I got in and I relaxed, I realized that all I needed was Elvis to be here with me, and I would be alright. I completely submerged myself under the water and I calmed down, I don't know how long I was under, but before I knew it, Elvis was screaming and he pulled me out of the water, I opened my eyes and asked him what was wrong, "Are ya' ok babydoll" he asked, "yeah I'm fine I just, needed a moment, but I'm ok" I say smiling. I get up and dry off while Elvis gets in the shower, I leave the bathroom and I go downstairs and I get the flour, vanilla extract, eggs, sugar, and lemon out and I lay them on the table, along with 2 rolling pins and 2 baking trays, I light up some candles and I play "love me tender" on our record recorder. I get my robe on and I brush my hair, when I see Elvis come down in his robe, "pretty mama, what's all this" he says grabbing my waist, "well....were gonna make Christmas cookies together" I say smiling, I kiss him and we get to making the cookies. After we make the cookies we put them on a plate and we go upstairs, "goodnight pretty mama" Elvis says smirking, "goodnight love" I say smiling. We fall asleep.

December 25th 1963

Elvis's POV:

I woke up to music playing loudly and laughter, I got my robe on and fixed my hair and I went downstairs, everybody smiled and greeted me, I saw y/n holding babygirl and damn, did she look good in Christmas pj's, she walked over to me and handed me some matching PJs like hers. I changed and I put them on, after that we all ate our cookies and we laughed and opened presents, I cleared my throat "I need everyones attention" I say, everyone looks at me and it goes quiet "pretty mama, come here" I grabbed her hand and we stood up, "y/n y/l/n, I've been in love with you since I saw you, you captured something that...that I can't explain, you are everything I've ever needed in a woman, ive never been in love with someone so special to me, I love you baby" I say smiling, I get down on one knee "y/n y/l/n....will you marry me" I say smiling, "YES YES YES" she says squealing while kissing me. I spin her around and kiss her, today was the perfect Christmas

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