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March 12th 1963

Elvis's POV:

I woke up to see my precious baby doll sleeping, 'she looks so peaceful', she was beautiful even when she slept. I kissed her forehead then I got up to go brush my teeth after brushing my teeth, I did my usual which started off as me shaving my sideburns to make sure they were perfect, next I moved on to doing my hair I put a lot of hair grease on my hand and slicked my hair back and made it neat after that I went back to the room and figure out what I was going to wear when I pulled out on maroon shirt and white pants with white shoes. After that I went downstairs to be greeted by Vernon my dad, we sat down and had breakfast for a while, after we finish breakfast we sat down in the living room and started talking when I saw my baby come down the stairs she looked so tired. She saw me and immediately came over and hugged me then she laid her head on my lap and went back to sleep.

Y/n's POV:

I woke up to realize that Elvis wasn't in the bed I looked around and then I struck my shoulders so I got up and got my Mrs. Presley robe on, and brushed my teeth and washed my face and then I suddenly felt this wave of nausea hit me. I just ended up throwing up a lot, I didn't pay it anymore, so I just brush my teeth again and went downstairs. I got downstairs I saw Elvis and Vernon sitting on the couch I walked over to Elvis hug him, and then laid my head in his lap and went to sleep. It was about a couple hours later when I felt nauseated so I rushed to the bathroom, and ended up throwing up. I heard Elvis scream my name and I felt someone pull my hair back "baby doll!? Are ya ok?" He said patting my back, "yeah I think I'm ok, its probably just a cold or the flu, I'll be ok" I say while flushing the toilet, I wash my hands and I go back upstairs.

Normal POV:

Elvis wanted to know what was going on with Y/n, he didn't know what was going on. Was she sick? Was she pregnant? He couldn't have thought she was pregnant because I mean yeah, they did just make love without a condom but he really didn't think anything of it, so he just got ready for another tour and left after his tour, he was feeling a little uneasy about Y/n. He rushed back to the house when he found her laying  on the bottom steps bleeding.

Elvis's POV:

I rushed home to find her at the bottom of the steps bleeding I picked her up and I held her while crying I tapped her face she didn't wake up, I screamed for someone to help. My best friend Joe walked through the door he saw what was going on he immediately dropped everything in his hand and ran over to us.  "what happened, E, IS SHE OK?!" Joe exclaims, "CALL 911 NOW JOE, NOW" I yell back. Joe calls the ambulance, the ambulance get here. "Sir please step away so we can check her pulse" the paramedic says, they check her pulse, "she's not breathing, get her on a stretcher" the paramedic says, "W-WHAT she's not breathing?!" I say crying, they put her in the ambulance and tell me I have to follow them. I get to the hospital I run in, "IM LOOKING FOR Y/N PRESLEY" I say crying, "sir she's I'm room 247 on the 4th floor" the nurse said. I rushed to the room, and I go into the room, I rush to her side and hold her hand while crying, "baby doll, please wake up" I plead. I loved her so much, I needed her to stay with me, I couldn't bare to see all these tubes hooked up on just hurt to much. I started crying when I feel squeeze my hand I looked up at her "baby doll do that again" she squeezes my hand again.

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