Love me tender

228 4 1

March 7th 1963

Y/n's POV

We go home, once we get home we are greeted by Gladys, "hello my dear" she smiles. "Hi mama" I say sweetly, "Hi mama" Elvis says. I run up stairs and I flop on the bed, I get up to see Elvis standing in the doorway laughing. "Whats so funny mister Presley" I say softly, "nothin' pretty mama, I just think.....your sexy as hell" he says smirking. I blushed hard, "why thank you baby" I said, he walked over to me and grabbed my face and squeezed it, he leaned in but as soon as he was about to kiss me, I curved him by turning my head to the other side. I chuckled and looked at him and he was in the bathroom, I heard the shower running, so I decided I wanted to go in with him, so I got my pajamas and I went in the bathroom, I took off my clothes and got in the shower with him.


I got in and as soon as I got in he looked at me and smirked, "decided to join me huh pretty mama" he said in that sexy southern voice, "no I just needed to take a shower" I said cocky. I looked at him, and damn did he look good, I turned around and I felt two pair of arms wrap around me. I felt his lips kiss my shoulders and neck gently.

Elvis's POV:

She got in, and I looked at her and smirked, "decided to join me huh pretty mama" I said, "no I just needed to take a shower" she said cocky. She turned around and I wrapped my arms around her waist, I kissed her shoulders and neck gently. She moaned softly, I moved my hand down to her clit and rubbed it, she moaned loudly, "shhh pretty mama, you don't want everyone to hear us" I said. She whimpered, I tapped her thigh as a sign to jump up, she jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist, I pushed her against the shower wall and I crouched down and I spread her legs, I began sucking on her clit and devouring her. 'shit she tastes so good' I thought to myself.

Narrator POV:

Elvis devoured her like she was his last meal, and she loved it, he pushed two fingers inside of her before standing up and kissing her. She was a moaning and whimpering mess, she could barely contain herself and, he knew it.

Y/n's POV:

I couldn't believe that I was being devoured by Elvis fucking Presley. I needed to cum so bad, "come for me baby doll" he groaned, god that pushed me to my orgasm, I came so hard, I was shaking so bad. He came up and kissed me passionately, I got on my knees, "woah pretty mama what d'you think ya doing baby" he asked me. "I'm going to please you" I said, I grabbed his cock and stroked it slightly, earned a low groan from him, I licked the tip and began to bob my head back and forth. He moaned loudly as I deepthroated him, I began to go faster, "yes pretty mama, mhm just like that", god that was so sexy. I could tell he was close because his cock was throbbing in my mouth, "fuck- mama I'm gonna cum" he groans, I nod my head until i feel a warm, sweet sticky substance in my mouth. I pulled away from his cock and I swallowed all of it. I stood up, "jump pretty mama" he told me, I jumped and I wrapped my legs around his waist, he lined up at my entrance. This was my first time and he was big, so I tried to bare with it, he pushed in slowly about halfway. He looked up at me and he saw tears fall from my eyes, "o-ow Elvis i-it hurts" I whimpered, he kissed my tears and held me tight, "hey pretty mama, we can stop if you would like" he said, "no, please I wanna go all the way" I said, he pushed all the way in and I felt a wave of pain wash over me, I winced and he stopped and waited for me to tell him to move, "you can moved now", I said. He started off slow, and it felt good "faster please" I told him, "as you wish pretty mama" he told me, that's when I felt him go deep inside of me, I moaned loudly. "Fuck- yes yes" I whimpered, I clawed his back while he pounded into me, I whimpered in his ear, he groaned as he pounded into me. "Fuck pretty mama, you feel so good" he groaned. After a while, I was close to cumming when I heard a knock..... I caught my breath, "WHO IS IT" I yelled, "ITS TOM PARKER" Tom yelled back. "TELL ELVIS RO BE READY FOR TOMORROW" Tom yelled, "OK" I responded, Elvis continued to pound into me, I gripped his shoulders, "baby doll I'm gonna cum" he whispered in my ear, "me too baby" I whimpered. I came hard, Elvis continued to pound me to ride out my high, and he came too. We rinsed ourselves off and got out of the shower and dried off, we left the bathroom and laid on the bed. We cuddled, until it hit me....."um- honey" I gulped, "yes little mama" Elvis responded, "we didn't use a condom and I'm not on birth control" I said. "Oh...I can buy you the morning after pill, if you don't want a baby right now" he said, "no no I do want a baby, I just wanna make sure its ok with you" I whispered, looking at him. "I'm ready whenever your ready" he kissed me, "ok" I said. It was a good night, we cuddled and made jokes with each other. He stared at me for a while, "what" I said confused, he kissed me softly but passionately, "I love you Y/n full name" he whispered, "I love you too Elvis Aaron Presley" I giggled.

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