Baby presley

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Elvis's POV:

I woke up to see that y/n wasn't in the bed, I got up and I went in the bathroom, I saw y/n crying while leaning on the sink. "Babydoll, what's wrong" I ask concerned, "look" she hands me 3 positive pregnancy tests, "were pregnant" she says smiling. "Oh babydoll that's wonderful" I say picking her up while spinning her around, I kiss her passionately, "let's go down and tell the others" she says, we go downstairs and she gathers them all up in the living room. "Me and Elvis have important news" she says quietly. "Were pregnant!!!!!!" She says excitedly, "Oh dear that's truly a blessing and it's wonderful" my mama says hugging us both. "Congrats, son" my dad says hugging us too, "YESSSSSS A MINI PRESLEY IN THE HOUSEEEE" Joe says screaming while hugging us.

July 4th 1963

Y/n's POV:

It was the fourth of july, and we were inviting our family and friends over for a barbecue, I put all the ingredients out and I began to cook, the doorbell rang and I answered it. "Hey mama" I said happily greeting my mom, I called Elvis over and he came "Hello Mrs. L/n" he said kissing her hand, "hello there Elvis" she says smiling. "Hi there, s/n" Elvis says picking up my little sister, "hiii" she says smiling, "hi babygirl" I say kissing her forehead, he puts her down and he pulls out a chair for her. "Wanna see me draw" she asks him giggling, "sure I would darl" he says winking at me. My mom walks over to me and helps me make the food, "you got you one hell of a man dear" she says laughing, "yea I know....he's a wonderful person" I say smiling. After a couple hours around 10 more people came in and the food was ready, Elvis was on grill duty and I was in kitchen duty. We had gathered together and we prayed and then we fixed our plates. "Can you get me something to drink dear I'm parched" my mama says, "oh my apologies, of course mama" I say standing up "no no pretty mama, sit down and enjoy your food I'll get it" Elvis says standing up and getting drinks for us. After dinner we all go in the living room and Elvis performs a little concert for us, me, my mother, and Gladys were his back up singers and dancers. It was fun, then Elvis stood up and he cleared his throat, "so....y/n and I have some news for the family" he says "so we went to the doctor a couple weeks ago, and we found out....were having a......GIRLLL" he says laughing. Everybody congratulates us, we cleaned up and then everyone left. I was exhausted so I went upstairs to go to sleep, I took a shower and then I put on my robe and made my way to the sink, I felt two strong arms wrap around me, "you smell good pretty mama" Elvis says, "thank you love" I say, he gets in the shower and he gets out and he puts on his robe, we began brushing our teeth and we made our way to the bed and we got in the bed and cuddled next to each other. "I love you" I say kissing his chest, "I love you too baby" he says kissing my forehead, "I also love you little mama" he says rubbing my stomach, we fall asleep cuddling.

December 17th 1963

Y/n's POV:

I woke up and I saw Elvis...he looked so cute, I kissed his soft lips and I got out of the bed and I brushed my teeth and washed my face. 'he looks so good sleeping' I thought to myself, I went downstairs to make breakfast. I grabbed the bacon and the egg carton, when I felt arms wrap around my waist, "good morning pretty mama", he whispered in my ear, "good morning my love" I say turning around to kiss him. I turn around back to the stove and I cook the bacon, I feel something trickle down my legs. I look down and I see my water had broke, "ELVIS" I yell in a panic, "YES BABYDOLL" he yells, coming in the kitchen, "m-my water broke" I saw in shock, "RED, JOE GET TOWELS AND START THE CAR NOW" He yells. Yeah bridal style and carries me to the car. We get in the back and he has me cradled in his arms, "JOE DRIVE TO THE HOSPITAL NOW" He yelled in a panic.

Normal POV:

Y/n and Elvis had gotten to the hospital, they were excited but they were scared, Elvis was unsure about natural birth, he didn't wanna lose y/n.

Elvis's POV:

I was sitting next to y/n's hospital bed, she was singing on of my songs with me. "Love me tender. Love me sweet, Never let me go, I love you so" We sang. She sang like an angel, I loved her voice. A nurse walked in and took a look, "Oh mama, looks like your 6 cm dilated" She says. "I'm hungry honey" y/n sounded so tired, but she looked adorable, "well I'm sorry pretty mama, but you can't eat anything right now" I whispered to her.


Y/n's POV:

I was sweating like crazy, I felt dizzy and I felt so drained, I looked over at Elvis and he was talking to Joe, he looked back at me and walked over to me. "Babydoll....are you ready" he asked, "yeah I guess" I say, "alright, I need you to take a deep breath in for me ok" the nurse told me, I took a deep breath in and held it, "push for me mama" Elvis said. I screamed "I CANT, IT HURTS, FUCK " I stopped pushing, "alright, I need you to take a deep breath in for me ok" she said again. "No, no I can't It hurts, it " I say groaning and crying, "come on, babydoll do it for me, 1.......2.......3, PUSH" Elvis says. "Good job mama, you did it, congratulations on your new baby girl", the nurse gives her to me and she pulls my blanket up over me. I look over at Elvis to see him crying, he walk out.

Elvis's POV:

"Good job mama, you did it, congratulations on your new baby girl", the nurse gives y/n our babygirl and she pulls her blanket up over her.
I walked out crying, I see Red, Charlie, Vernon, Gladys, And Joe. They run up to me and hug me, "wha-what happened E" Joe asked, "Nothing happened, I'm just....I just can't believe I made that beautiful babygirl in there" I say crying, "oh dear, I'm proud of you honey" my mama says. We walk in and see y/n holding our babygirl, "hey y'all" she whispers, "she's sleepin' she look just like ya" I say smiling, "here love" she hands me the baby and I take the baby and I hold her, "she looks so stinkin' cute" I say in awe, we all smile and we get a chance to hold her. It's been about 4 days since she gave birth to our babygirl, I got up and saw that d/n wasn't in her bed, the curtain was closed. I opened it and saw y/n breastfeeding her, "awww look at my two little mamas" I say smiling. "She looks like you baby" y/n says smiling.

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