Love and happiness

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March 4th 1964

Elvis's POV:

I woke up and saw my beautiful soon-to-be wife sleeping soundly, I got up and stretched before putting my robe on and going downstairs. "Hey E, good mornin" Joe says happily, "Mornin' boys" I say smiling I poured me a cup of coffee and we sat down and started talking about my shows and yours, but that eventually turned into it being a meeting. We were talking when I heard my babygirl crying, "scuse me boys" I said then I went upstairs and I picked her up while cradling her in my arms. I walked out of her room, with her still in my arms and I walked downstairs to the table and I put her pacifier in her mouth and we resumed talking. We continued to talk until I got up and went to the kitchen, "whatcha doin now E" Joe says confused, "gettin my babygirl her milk" I say laughing, I grabbed the cold breast milk and I heated it over a stove, on low heat. I walked over to red "hey, hold her for me" I said while walking back over to the stove to monitor her milk. After a few minutes her milk was ready so I put it in the bottle and I walked over to red and grabbed her, and I began to feed her, I smiled.

Y/n's POV:

I woke up to see Elvis wasn't in bed, I wasn't surprised or mad, I just wished he stayed home and in bed more, but it was ok. I stood up and I looked at the hickeys and love marks on my body, clearly made by Elvis. I took a shower and I put on my Mrs. Presley robe. I tied it around my waist and I went to babygirls room, but she strangely wasnt in there then I heard the boys laughin, so I snuck downstairs and saw Elvis having a meeting while feeding her. God I fell in love with him all over again, I walked all the way down the stairs and just started at Elvis in love.

He looked at me and smiled, "good mornin, pretty mama" he said smirking, he got up and walked over to me and grabbed my waist and kissed me, "Come on E, get a room" I hear Joe say disgusted. He gave me babygirl, "hiii mamas baby" I say in my baby voice, he kisses my forehead and walks back to the table and continues his conversation with the boys. I walk to the couch and I put her in her crib and walk to the phone, I dial my sister, "Hello" I say smiling, "well hello there Mrs. Presley" she says teasing me, "I was wondering if you could babysit our babygirl with Joe, because it's been a while since me and Elvis went on a date" I ask her nervously, "of course I can, also is Joe single" she asks, "let me ask- HEY JOE ARE YOU SINGLE" I scream across the room, "YES I AM WHY" he screams back "NO REASON" I say smiling, "yes he is" I say. "Ok, well thanks, what time am I babysitting her" she asks, "umm in 2 hours" I say smiling, "alrighty see you soon, love you Mrs. Presley" she says laughing, "see you soon, I love you too Mrs. Especito" I say laughing.

I hang up the phone and I walk over to the dining room, "hey Joe, wanna babysit our babygirl" I ask smirking, "sure" he says smiling, "wa- why pretty mama" Elvis asks confused, I walk over to Elvis and I stand behind him and run my hands down his chest, "because we're gonna be doing something so, dress good big boy" I whispered in his ear seductively. He looked up at me as I walked away swaying my hips, I walked upstairs and I got in the shower and washed my hair and my body, I got out and I lotioned up and I put on my outfit.

After I got dressed up, it was almost time to see my sister, I was walking out and I cought Elvis coming up, "woah pretty mama, sexy baby" he bit his lip, "you can look but don't touch, go get ready love" I say smiling while tapping his cheek, I walk down stairs when I hear Joe, Red, Sonny, Ben, and Charlie wolf whistle at me. "Mrs. Presley, lookin her best" joe says teasingly, I smile and wink then I walk over and pick babygirl up, and I hold her in my arms for around 15 mins, swaying my hips to "Can't help but falling in love" playing on the radio, I looked up and saw Elvis walking downstairs in his outfit .

He looked so good, the doorbell rang and I walked over and opened it, to be greeted my sister, "Hi Mrs. Presley" she says smiling and hugging me, "and hello there little one" she says as babygirl holds onto her finger. We both smile when she sees Elvis walk behind me and smile while holding my waist, "hello there" he says, "hi Elvis" she says smiling, I hand her babygirl and I point to Joe and tell her about our babygirls schedule. "Ok I got it y'all just go have fun" she says shooing us away, "bye y'all" Elvis says kissing our babygirl on her forehead and we leave. We walk to the car and we get in the pink Cadillac, I start the engine and I pull off, I feel Elvis out his hand on my thigh, "pretty mama where are you goin" I hear him say, "baby don't worry about it just know it's a surprise" I say smiling. "I was planning on taking you out but I guess it's the other way around right now" he says smirking,"I love you baby" I say smiling. "I love you too pretty mama", he says.

Once we arrived at the restaurant, we got out and there was press and fans all around him, I could tell he was kinda getting overwhelmed so I excused us and we made our way inside, once we're inside we make our way to the corner, and sit down. "Fancy pretty mama...what's the occasion" he says smirking, "oh nothing, it's've been so good to me and I know you've been stressed and overwhelmed with all the tours and shows, so I decided to try to take your mind off of everything" I say smiling, "aw thank you pretty mama" he says smiling, the waitress comes to our table and takes our order, then she walked away. "I don't think I can be this far away from you" he says pouting, "well..... it'll give you something to look forward to later tonight" I say winking at him.

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