Devil In Disguise

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January 15th 1964

Y/n's POV:

I woke up to see that Elvis wasn't in bed, so I put on my robe and made my way downstairs, I stopped midway because I heard colonel talking, "Listen to me boy, I don't care what shit your going thru....but one thing I care about is you getting up on that damn stage and performing" he said in creepy accent, I went down two steps to see Elvis crying and holding his head in the palm of his hands, it hurt me dearly to see him like this. "Get out" I say, colonel turns to me and walks towards me and he took his cigar out of his mouth, "shut up, ain't nobody talkin to you" he says blowing smoke in my face, I look over and see Elvis passed out on the couch, "ELVIS, NO NO NO BABY STAY WITH ME PLEASE" I say crying while holding him, "CALL 911" I say sobbing "Just let em die....I only cared about the money" colonel says laughing, that was the finale straw, I got up and went to the kitchen and stabbed him. "Fuck...." "RED" "JOE" "SONNY" "VERNON" "HELP ME CALL 911" They all come running downstairs and see colonel on the floor and they see me with blood on my hands holding Elvis while crying, red walks over to me and pulls me off of Elvis, and they pick him up and put him in the car, "y/n what happened....did you stab colonel" red asks I nod and I start crying. They come back in and they get colonel in the car and they drive to the hospital, "red....let me go" i say clearly tired and done with everything. "No.....not until you be honest with me" red says "IM BEING HONEST" I say wiggling out of his arms, I ran upstairs and got Elvis some clothes and all his stuff, I got my clothes and stuff together in the same bag. I ran out of house and got in the Cadillac before red could stop me, I drove to the hospital and I got out and rushed inside, "hi, I need to see Elvis Presley" I say frantically "yes he's in 406, and may I ask, you are you to him" "I'm his wife" I say, "ok" I walk into the room and drop the stuff and run over to him and caress his face while kissing him. I feel hands come up to my face and I smile knowing he's awake. "Hey pretty mama" he says in a weak voice, it hurt so bad but I sucked it up "hi baby....I did something bad" I say crying while holding his hand, "what'd you do baby" he asks me, "i-i stabbed colonel....he pushed me to my limit and I lost it" I say. Just as Elvis was about say something, Gladys walked in with the baby and she walked over to us and handed Elvis the babygirl. He smiled so much, "baby, I think it's time I fire colonel" I smiled, "I think so too" "once I'm out the hospital I'm going to get the papers and we will deliver them to him" Elvis says smiling.

January 25th 1964

Elvis's POV:

I was singing to our babygirl, she was so small and fragile, I couldn't help but smile in awe as I danced with her on my shoulder. After a while she had fallen asleep, I went upstairs to Joe's room and put her in her crib, I kissed her forehead and I went to my room where y/n was waiting on me with a special matching bra/underwear set. 'god she looks so fuckin good' I thought to myself, I walked up to her and grabbed her waist pulling her in and kissing her passionately.


I tapped her leg signaling her to jump up, so she did and we made our way to the bed and I started kissing her neck, she moves her hand down towards my belt and she un locks my belt pulling it out of the loop. She flips me over and straddles me "woah pretty mama, what ya' doin" I say surprised "tonight's all about you baby" she says smiling, she goes down further and pulls my pants and my boxers down, my cock sprang out, I groaned at the cool air hitting my tip. As I was about to say something I felt her take me all in, I groaned at the pleasure I felt from her mouth, "fuck babydoll your doing so good" I say, just as I was about to cum, colonel barges in and he's angry. She stops and says, "colonel how about we do a show in and hour ok" I was surprised but I was also mad because I couldn't orgasm. After that embarrassing moment we got up and took a shower.

January 26th 1964

Y/n's POV:

I woke up, I walked over to the bathroom, I got in the shower and washed my hair. Elvis wasn't in the bed because he had gone to do a show and I was kinda early to go. I had finished, so I got some outfits out and I decided to go with the white pantsuit. I put on my lotion and my clothes and headed downstairs, "oh, good morning dear" Gladys greeted me "good morning ma" I said smiling. I ate a piece of bacon and I headed upstairs to our babygirls room but she wasn't in there. I ran back downstairs "where's babygirl" I asked Gladys, "oh, umm colonel came and got her, he said that he was going to take her to Elvis" she says confused. I run out of the house and get in my Cadillac and I speed to Elvis's show. I pulled up and I ran out, as I was running to Elvis's trailer I bumped into red. "Hey hey y/n what's wrong" red asks concerned"COLONEL TOOK MY BABY" I scream while crying, I fell and red caught me, I heard Elvis come running out his trailer. "Pretty mama what happened" "colonels got our babygirl" I say while crying. "I can't lose her, he already killed my brother" I say while crying. "What do you mean" I was just about to explain when the paparazzi came towards us and colonel appeared. "Where is she" I asked while standing up straight, "doesn't matter" he says, everything goes silent "wow....I cannot believe you.... how about you tell everyone your little secret" I said while walking to him, "what secret" he says sweating, "you killed my brother.....I remember came in my house and you told my brother, I'm gonna make you a star, and you turned to my momma and told her, your baby boys gonna be a ruined my brother, my brother came home one night....drunk out of his mind. I asked him what was wrong and he said you stole from him and you made him get rid of the woman he loved, you hooked my brother onto drugs, and when he finally stood up to you, you didn't like hated that he had control over your money, so you killed poisoned him. Now reach in your pocket and get it out" I say while crying, "I don't know what she's talking about everyone, s-shes delusional, she's emotional." He says while reassuring that everything this under control, "GET THE BOTTLE OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN POCKET" I scream while crying, he freezes and takes the poison out of his pocket, "you were gonna kill Elvis....I know your game and I was gonna beat you at it" I walked over to Joe's trailer and went in and grabbed my babygirl out of her crib and walked out, "I set it all up, I made sure that the paparazzi and the policemen and everyone was here" I say while smiling, "you ruined my life now I'm gonna ruin yours, have fun in that "home" your gonna have" I say while walking to Elvis. "I'm tired.....can we go home please". I ask him, "yea pretty mama" we get in the car and we drive back home.

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