A Nephew in Need

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In the shared apartment of Luna, Luan, Sam, and Benny, the rocker duo of Luna and Sam were sitting in the living room, using the kitchen chairs. They sat across from the couch where a teenage girl with red hair, dark skin, a blue shirt, and black pants, was sitting, as all three of them were slowly strumming guitars. The pair smiled, and Luna told the young lady, "You're starting to get the hang of it, Ashley(OC)."

Sam added, "Yeah, you'll be able to go back and forth between cords in your sleep at this rate."

The girl smiled back, "Thanks."

Just then, Sam's phone alarm went off, with her turning it off and saying, "Well, that's all the time for our lesson today." The three got up and walked towards the door, "Keep up the great work."

Ashley gave them a thumbs up, "I will."

Luna added, "Stay rockin', little dude."

As she opened the door, Ashley passed by Luan and Benny coming down the hall as she left. The pair walked in, with Luan asking, "So, how did the lesson go?"

Luna told her, "Great. Ashley's really improving fast."

Benny happily stated, "That's good to hear. So any more students for the day?"

Sam shook her head, "Nope. We're free the rest of the day."

Luan smiled, "Cool." She pointed to herself and Benny, "The theater closed early today for maintenance, so we're free too."

The rocker Loud told the group, "Great. Now I just wish we had something to do."

"I'm sure something will come up." Just then Luna's phone started ringing, causing Luan to laugh and joke, "I guess that's the call to action."

Benny laughed and gave her a hi-five, "Good one, Luan."

Luna just rolled her eyes and answered her phone, "Hey, what's rockin'?"

Lori Loud's voice was heard over the phone, "Hey, Luna. I have a favor to ask you and Luan."

"What is it, brah?"

"Well, I have a golf match today and Bobby just got called into work, Lynn's at college, and the rest of the family is out of town on a trip, so we need someone to watch Luis(OC)." (The name Luis actually comes from the fanfic writer WyomingParmesan, who also used the name for her OC of Lori and Bobby's son in her story Unexpected. She gave me permission to also use the name for my OC.

Please go support her fanfic, it's a really good one. Here's the link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12878563/1/Unexpected?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=lrQfKvbdpRW5peE5ywoLqdVKRv6bP7pdibJGy78Sb0Q-1640916291-0-gaNycGzNCWU).

Luna turned to the others and explained, "Looks like Lori and Bobby need us to watch Luis for them."

Sam smiled, "A chance to spend with our little nephew, awesome!"

Benny added, "Yeah, I wouldn't mind helping them out with their son."

Luan then joined in, "Family should always be there for each other and it will give us all great practice for when we all decide to have kids."

While Sam and Benny blushed at this, Luna smiled just like Luan and replied, "You're right sis." She turned back to her phone, "Alright, Lori, we can do it."

The oldest Loud Sibling cheered over the phone, "You're all literally life savers. I'll be over with him in an hour."

Luna hung up and turned back to the others, "Well, I guess we have our plan for the day now."

The hour passed and soon enough, a knock at the door signaled Lori's arrival. Getting up from the couch, the four walked over and opened the door to greet her. Lori was wearing her golf uniform and was holding a baby basket, with the two-year-old baby, Luis Santiago. He had light tan skin and short blond hair, and he was wearing a green shirt and blue shorts. Lori gratefully told them, "You guys are literally lifesavers."

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