A Power Mecha Adventure

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(This chapter is a lot longer than normal. Sorry about that, but it's a parody of something I love and I went all out with the parody.).

At the Entrees and Entertainment restaurant, many customers were enjoying their meals as they waited for the show to begin, including Luan and Benny, with the latter sporting a red vest over his regular clothes. Eventually, the curtain on the stage revealed the Moon Goats, ready to perform, with Sully having added a pink scarf to his ensemble and Mazzy having a black leather jacket.

Luna announced, "A one, two, one, two, three, four." They instantly started, but the rock music quickly morphed into the sound of disks getting scratched hard, causing everyone in the restaurant to start wincing in pain. Luna questioned, as she covered her ears, "What's going on?"

Sam responded, "I don't know."

Everyone was clutching their ears in pain, all except one individual, covered in a big trench coat. They sat calmly at their table, with a shadowed smile behind their hood-covered face. Luan and Benny had taken notice of this smiling individual, as they got up from their chair and exited the building. Turning to Benny, Luan tilted her head towards the door and Benny nodded. The pair of performing lovers made their exit. Once outside, where the sound was lessened, Luan said, "I've got a sneaking suspicion that the dude in the coat has something to do with this. They were the only ones not covering their ears."

Benny replied, "You're probably right. Should we tale him?"

Luan nodded, "You bet."

The pair began to follow after the trenchcoat-wearing fella. After a bit of a walk, they followed him down an alley. Once down there, Doug and Michelle teleported in next to the coat-wearing guy. Doug was wielding a sword and Michelle had a staff, both also wore capes; Doug's was red and Michelle's pink. Doug asked the cloaked figure, "So, Distorter(OC), did it go well?"

The man, Distorter, took off his cloak, to reveal he was a golden robot, with a bit of a buffed physical form and a music record attached to his chest. He spoke in a rough and distorted voice, "You bet, boss."

Michelle gave a joyful laugh, "Good. Now that the test run of ruining those annoying Moon Goats gig has been completed, we can move onto bigger musical targets."

Doug added, while he took Michelle's hand and kissed it, "It's only a matter of time, my love, before our music controls the whole music industry."

As the trio began to laugh, Luan and Benny jumped out, with the former saying, "Not if we have anything to say about it."

Luan added, "Doug and Michelle, I should have known it was you trying to ruin Luna's show."

Doug snarled at them, "Oh that's not the only show that will be ruining."

Michelle glared at them and said, "Which we must be getting to, so have fun with our underlings." She snapped her fingers and in a flash twelve robots with gold heads, silver jumpsuits, and bronze gears on their chests appeared between them and Luan and Benny. Michelle gave a laugh and addressed the robots, "Gear Heads(OCs) destroy them!" She along with Doug and Distortor teleported away, as the evil foot soldier rushed at the pair of Luan and Benny.

One of the Gear Heads tried to jump spin kick Benny in the head, but Benny ducked down so the Gear Head flew past him. When he came back, he turned to face the Gear Head that had landed and kicked it in the back to send it to the ground. He then turned back around to grab the arm of another Gear Head that was trying to attack him. After which, he tossed the Gear Head into another one to take both of them out. Another Gear Head then rushed in and threw a punch. While Benny blocked it with his left arm, the Gear Head used its free left hand to punch Benny in the gut and knocked him back first into a wall. As the Gear Head rushed in to continue the attack, Benny grabbed a trash can lid off a nearby trash can and used it to block a punch from the Gear Head. He then slammed the lid into the head of the robot to stun it, before he punched it in the face to take it out. After this, he tossed the lid like a frisbee into the gut of another Gear Head to defeat it. Benny then rushed at another Gear Head and blocked a punch from it with his left arm, then used his free right hand to punch it in the gut. While it was stunned he delivered a few more punches, including one to its head to knock it to the ground. He then ducked down to avoid a kick to the head coming from a Gear Head. When he came back up, he kicked the Gear Head in the gut, hard enough to cause it to backflip into the ground.

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