37. Truth Out.

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Next morning anika woke up with the sound of birds chirping. She first kissed the photo of shivay and went to freshen up.

As it was cold in European states she wore a black leggings and shivay's sweatshirt that she have brought with her to seek his warmth.

She went down and had the breakfast with the family and waited for aless to speak

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She went down and had the breakfast with the family and waited for aless to speak. As last night he have promised her to tell the whole truth.

Alessandro noticed her gaze and got to know she was waiting for him to speak. He finished his breakfast and said

Ales: All of you meet me in the study room now.

Emma handed mattio to his caretaker and all went to aless's study which was on the first floor and was black in theme and huge.

All the family sat on the plush sofas in the study and aless sat on his chair. All of them waited for aless to speak.

Ales: Your doubt is correct ana we are SSO's step brothers.

Ani: How means. Tell me all the details.

Ales: My mom Urvi Das was in love with Shakti Singh Oberoi My father during their college time. They conceived us three while they were intoxicated.

When they both came here in Italy for business trip during a mafia war our mother was kidnapped by the enemy and they captivated her. My father Antonio Gambino saved her and killed the enmies.

Our father took responsibility of us and later they both fell in love and because of her kidnapping she was not able to conceive again. Dad loved us like anything.

I wanted to become business man so I went to Oxford and there I meet my crazy friends Shivay Aryan Arnav. We four were enough for ourselves. One day shiv told me about his childhood love means you and I was impressed by his trust that you will come back to him.

Students who were not interested in studies came to us and we both made a group of them. Like this we both became mafia. He king of French mafia and I king of Italian mafia.

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