45. My Love

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2 years have passed in bliss.Many love moments many small fights many family functions and many vacations. Shivika were living their best life with each other and having a great successful career.

Last year Dadi died because of old age and shivay found it hard to cope up with her death as he was more close to her. But anika tried hard and brought him back. He still missed dadi.

Now shivay today was coming back from his business trip from New York. Anika was in a interview with her co stars for promotion of her new web series.

Rep1: So mam how was working here after taking a break of three years.

Ani: It was great and seriously missed acting.

Rep1: Mam what made you to comeback after three years.

Ani: Actually I was getting bored only making designs and then shivay asked he think about to start acting again. So I came back.

Dan: Ask me also guys. I am here.

Ani: Daniel Don't be jealous.

Dan: Shut up.

Rep2: Sir didn't you felt awkward doing romantic scenes with mam.

Dan: Actually I got threats from shivay doing shivay romancing with his wife. I still gets scary dreams of shivay.

Ani: Shivay is not scary. They both have bonded well.

Dan: That's ture though.

Rep2: Sir when are you and Nina mam are getting married.

Dan: We will tell you when are we getting married.

Like this the interview went further with many jokes and knowing about their series. After the interview anika and her other costars went out from the hall.

Anika went to her vanity van and got changed into comfortable clothes and got down. She sat in the car and told Ren to take her home. She massaged her temples cause her head was paining like hell.

She was observing changes in her body. Her breast have become tender and she was not willing to eat anything but shivay will be upset when she doesn't eat so she have food only for him.

But she always pukes out everything she eats. This is not known to shivay. She have become more horny now and cranky. She reached home and felt like sleeping but from morning she have not done any work.

She crashed on the couch and closed her eyes with sigh. But the her nosestrils hit her fav scent. She got up and started looking here and there to search a person.

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