47. Their Lives

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After 20years,

A man in late fourties was sleeping on his king size bed under the sheets. But his sleep was not peace. He lost his peace back then. He had a scar on his forehead and a deep frown on his beautiful handsome face.

Man: Anika where are you I miss u. Please come back. I am sorry.

He said in his sleep and without his knowledge some tears came out from his eyes. He woke up with jerk and wiped his tears. He looked at the other side of the bed which was empty.

Yes it is shivay.

Shiv: Sorry anika. Sorry baby. I regret every word I said to you but I didn't had any option saying those things to you. I hope I will meet you someday and ask you my forgiveness.

He wiped his tears and walked inside washroom to freshenup. This was his daily routine to wake up and say sorry to her and the baby. He also don't know is his baby alive or not but he says this everyday.

He wore his usual suit and brushed his long curly hair and some grey hair. He had changed his hair style in her absence. He packed his back cause he needed to travel New York for his new hotel venture. He bid bye to Lucy and sat in the car.

Khanna started the car and drove towards his office which is elegance. When anika left him with the letter he started working from Elegance to make her feel around him always.

He went to his cabin and collected all the files that were needed just then rishi came inside knocking the door.

Rishi: Sir you need you sign these papers and check all the designs which are needed to be sent to India.

Shiv: Is this necessary rishi. You can check the designs though.

Rishi: yes sir. I checked but you also check once and sign this.

Shivay signed the papers and was checking the designs that were needed to send to india. Then Om and Rudra came inside his cabin and sat in front of him. Shivay looked up and immediately his face changed into coldness.

Om: Shivay we got to know that you are leaving for New York for a month.

Shiv: Yes do you have any problem.

Rud: We are here to say sorry bhaiya. In these two years you never talk with us. We are sorry for what our father did. Because of our father bhabhi is not with you.

Shiv: Shut up. Don't you both dare you speak about that man in front of me. And next time take her name from your mouth I will make you regret your birth.

Om: Shivay calm down. We are sorry. Really sorry.

Shiv: Didn't you have any shame to come to me and say sorry what you and your father did. Before I loose control get the hell out of my cabin now.

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