15. conversations with strangers

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He chugged the rest of the drink down in one swoop, the bittersweet taste of the beer trailing down his throat distracting his thoughts for a few graceful seconds

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He chugged the rest of the drink down in one swoop, the bittersweet taste of the beer trailing down his throat distracting his thoughts for a few graceful seconds. He grimaced at the taste as he put the mug back down, then crossed his arms over the counter as he took in the scene around him.

Jonathan was at the bar right down the street from Lloyd's residence. He had stumbled upon it on his grumpy walk to cool his mental state and had decided to have something to occupy him while Love was being difficult. The bar was called 'Chug it Up' and the place was packed with people.

The thought of Love being alone with Gordon sent his nerves flaring an uncountable amount of times. He had to push the thoughts down, telling himself that there was nothing he could do if she was being inconsiderate of her safety.

She wouldn't allow him near her after everything that went down between them. But he swore mentally that if he heard that Gordon had as much dared to lay a hand on her hair, then he would make sure that man didn't have hands anymore.

He stayed glued to watching the people, seeing them order drinks and snacks, seeing them chat with friends, while his head throbbed with worry about her.

He had accepted that after his rejection last night, she would be upset with him. She had spent the whole night crying for God's sake and he had made no attempt to comfort her. He was pissed at himself for not taking her on that that she had so brightly put forth. If he had just kept his mouth shut, they would have had sex instead of quarreling.

The truth was, a selfish part of him had enjoyed the fact that she had been thrown off guard by his appearance too. He was glad to know that the yearning between them was mutual and not just a figment of his imagination.

He craved her like an addict and maybe it was time to lower his expectations. He knew by now that whatever he said wouldn't convince her to break her ties with Landon Furey. The story between them was deeper than what it seemed on the outside. He was perhaps more than her fiancé.

"Can I get a Martini?"

The voice of the woman made him turn to his right where his sight fell on a young, probably in her late-twenties, brunette. She was dressed in a short dress, the hem of it riding up to display creamy flesh underneath as she sat on the seat beside him. She was pretty to look at.

He observed her quietly as she reached into the sling bag slung over her shoulder and peered inside.

"Fuck! I left my cards with him!" she cursed, lifting her gaze to the ceiling, eyes shutting in disappointment.

Her fist came to slam over the counter in her frustration.

"Maám?" the bartender asked while halfway in the process of making the Martini below the counter.

The woman looked at him and gave a weak smile. "Sorry. Cancel the order. I can't pay tonight."

Jonathan felt bad when he saw her slide down her seat, ready to leave.

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