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A while later, Rebekah left the house in search of Elijah, leaving Hayley and I in the mansion. I'm currently swimming in the backyard pool, and Hayley is...well, I think she is sitting on the couch watching the TV.

I'm wearing a sexy white swimsuit that reveals my abs and the perfect amount of cleavage.

I'm laying on my inflatable lie low with a glass of bourbon in hand as I relax in the sun in the middle of the pool. It's very peaceful, no Klaus, no Elijah, just me and my sunglasses. That is until I hear the back door open. I look over in the direction of the door to see Hayley walking out with her usual moody face, which makes me sigh as I know the silence will be broken.

"Where is everyone? You vampires like to speed off in a rush." Hayley sassily said as she threw herself onto one of the loungers. "Here we go." I mumbled to myself but forgetting that Hayley is a hormonal pregnant werewolf.

Hayley stands up with her arms crossed, obviously annoyed. "What was that? Say that again." Hayley snapped, forgetting that I'm an original "HERE. WE. GO." I said louder, which clearly made her even more annoyed with me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hayley asked, taking a few steps closer to the pool as I float closer to the edge of the pool. "Nothing. Never mind." I sighed, taking a sip of the bourbon and closing my eyes to relax.

There's a few seconds of relaxation until I hear Hayley speak up again. "What are you doing?" Hayley asked, sitting down at the edge of the pool dipping her toes in.

I roll off of the lie low, falling into the cool water that feels nice on my skin. I stay under the water for a few seconds, loving the empty silence until I have to come up from the lack of oxygen.

I wipe the water off of my face in the most sexiest way possible. I look over in the direction of Hayley to see her staring at me, and when she notices that I see her looking, she immediately looks away with pink cheeks.

"What?" I asked with a smirk on my face, knowing why she's blushing. "Nothing. Never mind." Hayley said, saying the exact words I said earlier.

I swim towards her, trying to hide my smirk. I stand in front of her with my hand out. "Help?" I said, looking up at her beautiful hazel eyes. Hayley rolls her eyes as she stands up, putting her arm out to help me. I grab her hand, then a smirk forms on my face, and her eyes widen in realisation.

I pull on her hand, pulling her into the pool. A big splash is made as she falls into the water, and I just laugh with a real smile on my face. She comes up from the water looking angrier than ever, and it doesn't help that I'm laughing.

Hayley splashes me with water, annoyed at my actions. "You asshole!" Hayley shouted as she proceeded to the pool stairs to get out. But before she can, I go underwater and swim towards her. Coming up from the water right in front of her.

"Me an asshole... never." I jokingly said as I placed my hand on my chest, pretending to be hurt by her comment. Hayley slightly pushes me backwards. "Get out of my way, or I will crush you." Hayley threateningly said as she barged past me.

I follow her out of the pool. "Oh, honey. You crush on me." I said in my sexy voice, making Hayley turn around and growl at me. She shows her yellow eyes, which make me playfully raise my hands in surrender.

"Wow, I was only telling the truth. Lying would be a sin." I smirkingly said, causing Hayley to lounge at me. She grabs ahold of my neck and pushes me onto a lounger, her sitting on top of me.

"I do not fancy you or whatever." Hayley said, tightening her grip around my neck. I gently place my hand on hers that's around my neck, and I take it off using my strength. "Well, I fancy you, Hayley." I said, looking into her eyes, letting her know that I'm not joking.

I see her gulp as her breath starts to get uneven. "Did that line work in the Middle Ages?" Hayley asked, trying to make it look like my little line didn't affect her. "Yes! As did my abdominal muscles." I said, looking down at my stomach as Hayley does the same.

"But all that truly matters is that it's working now." I said with a smirk on my face as I looked up to see her staring at my abs. Hayley gets out of her haze and looks up at me with a serious expression. "No, it's not." Hayley simply said, trying to hide her attraction towards me

"Tis," I said smirkingly as I grabbed both of her hands. "Tis not." Hayley said, trying to get away from my grip but failing. "Tis," I said, sitting forward, closing most of the distance between us, which startles Hayley.

Hayley tries really hard to keep her eyes on mine, so I decided to have a little fun. I lick my lips slowly, causing Hayley to have a quick glance at them. I move her arms up and place them around my neck, and surprisingly, she doesn't fight me on this one.

I slowly wrap my arms around her waist, still keeping eye contact with the beautiful brunette that's sitting on my lap. I then slowly lean in, and she slowly leans in, and when our lips are about to touch, I turn my head away, making her kiss me on the cheek.

She slowly pulls away to see what I had done, and then in an instant, I flip her over so she's lying on the lounger, and I vamp speed away, leaving her there all flustered.


Late at night, I'm sitting in my room. The only thing on my mind is Hayley Marshall. No matter what I do, I can't get her out of my head. I lay down on my bed, imagining Hayley laying beside me when I heard the front door open. I vamp speed downstairs to see Klaus and Elijah walk in, and Rebekah comes rushing in from the living room. When the hell did she get back? I thought.

"Elijah! You're back!" Rebekah said a bit too excited for me. Rebekah pulls Elijah into a hug, but Elijah seems to focus on something else. I follow his gaze to see he's staring at Hayley with pure love for the girl, which makes me angry inside.

Elijah pulls away from the hug and excuses himself, heading in the direction of Hayley. I narrow my eyes at them as I watch them have a conversation outside on the balcony.

I stare at them as I clench my jaw, trying to prevent myself from lashing out. "What's that I smell? Jealousy?" Klaus said with a smirk as he stood beside me. "What is there to be jealous about?" I asked, walking into the kitchen, away from the site of Elijah and Hayley

"Well, our brother is drooling all over your baby mama." Klaus said, stating the obvious that caused me to clench my jaw again. "Yes, she is the mother of my child, that is all." I said sternly, trying to make myself believe that.

Klaus raises his eyebrows, and a smirk appears on his face. "Whatever you say." Klaus said, walking away, not believing a single word I just said, and to be honest, I didn't even believe myself either.

After drinking two blood bags, I go upstairs, and I go to sleep. Well, I try to go to sleep, but the image of Hayley and Elijah is stuck in my mind. I think I'm kind of jealous.


A/n's: Remeber to please vote on this chapter.

Word Count: 1348

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