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Family meals was never our thing, but here I am enjoying my breakfast as Klaus drinks from the Maids wrist and Rebekah enjoys her cup of coffee.

"Have you spoken to our good friend Marcel today?" Klaus asks his little sister.

"No. Should I have?" Rebekah asks.

"Well, he's been mysteriously silent, avoiding me, some might say. I thought, perhaps, he may have whispered reasons into your ear along with all of those sweet nothings." Klaus said ruining the peaceful, war free mood.

"If I see him, I'll be sure to ask if he's still sore at you." Rebekah bites back.

"Let me give a voice to that look in your eyes. 'My saintly, noble brother lies writhing in agony in the bayou, victim of our bastard sister's bite. When just one or two drops of hers or my blood would ease his pain." Klaus said.

"On the contrary, Nik. I am simply enjoying my brekkie waiting for Elijah's healthy return." Rebekah said.

"Oh, come one, Rebekah. You've been giving me the devil's eye all morning. Out wi--" Klaus said before he was interrupted.

"Oh, will the pair of you just shut up. I have a headache. Jesus, you can't even enjoy a meal in this family without someone arguing." I said, standing to my feet and heading for the door.

"And where do you think you're going?" Klaus asks.

"Out." I said trying to get away quickly.

"Where?" Rebekah asks like she has been keeping tabs on me or something.

"Anywhere but here!" I shout before slamming the front door shut and taking my car (black mustang gt).

I decided that I need to carry on with my drinking, so I drive into town to have one to many drinks at Rousseau's bar.

I take a seat at the bar and compel the bartender to do whatever I say. The bartender hands me a bottle of bourbon, which I drink straight from the bottle.

The pain from yesterday still lingering. The betrayal of Hayley and Elijah still in my mind. So, I use the alcohol to take my mind off of it.


Many bottles of bourbon later I'm still at the bar and in that time I've had 4 different people try to flirt with me, but I compeled them away.

Because of my supernatural healing, I'm only a little bit drunk and I intended to get absolutely pissed, that was until my dear brother, Klaus texted me saying to meet him at the Mikaelson Compound where Marcel is currently staying.

So, me being me. I drop everything to go and help my brother with whatever it is.

I leave a 100 dollar bill at the bar and make my way towards the compound. Only to find a large group of ugly vampires surrounding Klaus. I push my way through only to see Rebekah has sided with Marcel, our enemy.

"Well, well, well what have we here? Marcel Gerard the self proclaimed king and his treitoris lover. What is it? Has the evil bastards klaus and Y/n gone too far, must be punished, and by there own sibling, nonetheless." I spoke standing beside my brother.

"How positively biblical. And you, Marcel. Is this your idea of a hit? I taught you better than this paltry excuse for a takedown. You think you can subdue me with this!" Klaus shouts.

"No, but I think I can with this." Marcel said before he whistles and even more vampires join this pathetic group.

"Ah, now this is fun." I smirk, ready to fight.

"Let's end this charade, shall we? Vampires of New Orleans, do recall that I am an original, a hybrid. I cannot be killed. Eternity is an awfully long time. How long do you think Marcel will stay in power? What if one of you lot were to release me, knowing I would be eternally in your debt? Oh, I would pity those of you who dared to cross me. I can assure you, your ends would be spectacular." Klaus said with a smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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