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I've been vamp speeding around the woods looking for any signs off Hayley or Tyler, but have come across none. With each minute I become more worried and my heart is racing that fast I think I'm about to have a heart attack.

I lean against a tree and slide down it trying to catch my breath. Nothing is working so I bring my knees to my chest as tears start to run down my cheek.

This has never happened before. Not even when Mikael used to punish me. How has this one girl made me fell so helpless?

It gets even harder to breath with every second that passes. That is until Klaus kneels down beside me and pulls me into a hug, telling me that it was going to be okay.

When my breathing eventually goes back to normal I awkwardly stand to my feet and wipe away the tears.

"We need to find her, Nik. I can't...I can't let them be harmed. She...I-I" I tried saying.

Klaus places a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I know. Let's go kill a hybrid."

I nod in agreement and we vamp speed in the direction of Tyler Lockwoods shouting.

"Hayley! Give up now! I'll end it quick!" Tyler shouts looking through small tents.

"Quite an offer, though not one I'll be extending to you." Klaus smirks.

"Klaus." Tyler spat in disgust.

"Hello, Tyler. You look well. I aim to change that." I spoke.

"Y/n." Tyler spoke with even more disgust.

"Threatening a pregnant girl in order to exact revenge against us. I never expected you to sink so low. I admit, I'm impressed." Klaus said slowing stepping towards him.

"I used to hang out with yous. I guess something must have rubbed off." Tyler said, scarily moving away from Klaus.

"What do you think Caroline would say if she saw what you've become? Perhaps I'll ask her when I call her to tell her of your demise." Klaus said.

"Whatever happens to me, Caroline is never gonna stop hating you." Tyler said obvious hitting a nerve as Klaus pushing him into a tree.

"Come on, mate. Give it a bit more effort. I want to enjoy myself." Klaus smirks.

But before anything could happen Tyler runs away like the coward he is. When Klaus goes to follow him it stop him.

"He's mine." I said, filled with rage.

I chase after the baby hybrid with only one thought on my mind. Murder.

"This your idea of revenge, Tyler? Gruelling game of hide and seek?" I shout looking through different tents.

Then a wooden stake is pushed through my chest from behind forcing me to let out a painful groan.

I spin around and punch Tyler in the face sending him flying backwards. I pull out the stake like it was nothing.

"Let's end this, shall we?" I said revealing my tribrid face.

Tyler doing the same with his ugly ass hybrid face.

We both charge at each other. We both fall to the ground, he gets on top and punches my face. I then grab his throat. "How dare you."

"I'm just getting started!" Tyler spat stabbing yet another wooden stake into my ribs.

"You've grown blood thirsty. Perhaps it's best your slut mother didn't live to see you like this." I laugh, earning a couple punches to the face until I block his fist and get on top of him.

Complicated Love (Hayley Marshall) Where stories live. Discover now