four. A WARRANT.

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     RHYS WAS right, oh, so goddamn right, there was someone dumb enough to slip up. Avery and Silas were laying together in Avery's bed, arms draped over one another as they were sleeping off their hangovers, they had gone a little overboard after they left from Rhys' place the evening before.

First person who got a phone call from the three of his associates though was probably Nora who was laying in bed, listening to Iron Maiden on full blast because it drowned out everything. The phone rang and she lowered the volume just a tiny bit before answering.

"Yeah?" She said when she picked it up. "Hi! Nora Colletti? I'm Dustin Henderson, you're a friend of Eddie Munson's, right?" At this, Nora squints his eyes. "Why?" She asked, remembering when Rhys is busy or out of town, Eddie is who he goes to for Special K. "I've just been wondering if you've heard from him in the past twenty-four hours?"

"No." Just like that, she hung up, so Dustin sighed and crossed off her name before calling Avery Marsh next. The phone rang for a while and Silas accidentally flailed his arm making him hit Avery in the chest. "Ow! You fucker!" The girl had woken up by then and smacked him on the arm at least three times.

"Sorry! Sorry!" He grumbled and flipped over, trying to fall back asleep despite the phone ringing on Avery's bedside table so she leaned over and picked it up. "Hello?" She sighs and Silas stayed awake. "Hi! This is Dustin Henderson, I was wondering if you've heard from Eddie Munson in the past twenty-four hours?" He asked and Avery's face scrunched up. "Edster? Why?" She asked and Dustin giggled back in response only to clear his throat when he saw the look on the other's faces which were saying what the fuck?

"We just need to speak to him. Have you seen him at all today or yesterday?" He asked and Nora shrugs, rolling her eyes. "No, but I know who probably has, they're practically married." She says and Dustin raised his brows at the others. "Really? Who is she?" He asked and Avery snickered. "His name is Dirty Harry. He lives near Lovers' Lake, you'll know which one because he has a tacky ass BMW to show off that he's ri--" the dial tone clicks and Avery looks down to see Silas' hand over the button that had ended her phone call.

"Why'd you snitch? Rhys will be pissed."

"I got a lead!" Dustin turns to the others and while that was happening, Eddie stood in the doorway of Rhys' shitty old boat garage that was just sitting there, being no use except storing a boat he bought while on a bender and where all his tools and supplies are stored.

"Yeah, no... this isn't gonna work." Eddie looked at Rhys who sighs. "I know. But, but--" he said and walked further inside, gesturing around. "It's all I got!" He says with a wide smile and Eddie sighs, looking away. "I mean, I guess I should be more grateful." He says and Rhys sighs, walking over to him. "I'm sorry. I'm just really worried and I don't want the cops to bust my ass for the drugs and stuff too..." He explains and Eddie nods. "Yeah, I get it. You're playing it safe." He looks at him in the eyes and Rhys just smiles, staring back at him.

"Is there anything you want?"

"Honeycomb. And chocolate milk."

Unfortunately, Rhys had happened to be out of both so he sighs, standing up straight from his fridge. The sun had set by now and it was getting late so there was no guarantee the store was opened so he'd have to give the sad news of zero Honeycomb and chocolate milk to Eddie. He settled for the next best thing. Cheerios and regular... gross milk.

"Hello?! Dirty Harry!" At the sound of that, followed by multiple rings of his doorbell and knocking, Rhys flinched and dropped the box of cereal and milk, which he quickly scrambled to pick up, taking a while since the milk bursted open. "Dirty Harry! We know you're in there! We see your tv and lights are on!" The boy's voice practically screeched.

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