twenty-one. TRUST ME.

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     THE FOUR run up to the dining room area where Steve was looking around, shouting out for Dustin. "Maybe he really does have rabies." Robin whispers to Nancy, Eddie and Rhys to her side. "Hello! Hello?" The Harrington kept shouting. "Steve, what are you doing?" Nancy asked and Steve just points his light at them. "Hello!" He shouted out.

"He's here. Henderson." He rushed over, looking at Rhys and Eddie then at Nancy and Robin. "That little shit, he's here. He's like... he's in the walls or something. Just listen. Dustin. Dustin! Dustin!" He screams as Rhys' face scrunched up. "Dustin! Dustin! Can you hear me?" He kept shouting loudly. Rhys can hear him so faintly, looking at the others who began walking around, shouting out for Dustin.

"Okay, so either he can't hear us or he's being a dickhead." Rhys said, standing in the middle of the room while crossing his arms as Steve just sighs. "Will found a way." Nancy says making Steve and Rhys look over. "What?" The Harrington says, confused. "Will. He found a way to speak to Joyce through the lights." She rushed over to a lamp, switching it on and off as Steve followed after her and Rhys just looked towards Eddie and Robin. "Guys?"

Rhys turns around, seeing the specks of light around the chandelier. "You seeing this?" He asked as Eddie walks over, grabbing Rhys' arm gently. Nancy walks over to the table with the light above it, Steve at his side as she reached out, touching the sparkles.

They glow at her finger tips and Rhys raised his brows. "Woah." Eddie says as the three of them walk over to join at Nancy's other side. Steve reached out first, then Eddie and Robin. Nancy reached up as well, "it... tickles." Steve says and Rhys just chuckles softly. "It kinda feels good." Robin says and Eddie just smiles, glancing at her before looking at Rhys.

"Does anyone know Morse code?" Nancy said and Rhys retracted his hand to look at the girl at the other side of him. "Nah." He says, shaking his head as Robin and Steve also say no. "Wait, does SOS count?" Eddie asked and Nancy slowly looked over at him. "Is that... is that good?" The Munson asked and Rhys looks at him. "Very good, baby. It'll have to do." He said and Eddie just winks at him before reaching up, flicking at the light specks.

"It's working."

After being scolded by Dustin and instructing them to meet him upstairs in Nancy's room, the five headed up as Rhys grabs Eddie's arm, stopping him in the hallway. "What's up, Dirty Harry?" The other turns to him and Rhys just chuckles. "Just wanted to... see how you're holding up." He grabbed the brunette's arm, softly rubbing his forearm.

"I'm golden, baby." He's clearly mocking Rhys' petname from earlier but Rhys had seen how red it made Eddie's face, how he grinned so wide. Rhys just grabs his face, bringing him closer and into a small kiss. He then wraps his arms around Eddie's waist and his face buries into his boyfriend's neck, sighing quietly. "Are you okay?" Eddie asked him worriedly.

"Yeah..." They join the others in the room, the four kneeling at the side of Nancy's bed as Rhys stayed standing, his arms crossed. They waited as the light then appears over the bed, Nancy reaching out and touching the light. They smile in amazement as Rhys came closer, standing behind Eddie. "Holy shit!" They hear from the other side and Dustin's laugh.

They continue to watch Nancy swirl her hand around. "We're not moving it, but we're gonna unplug it. Standby." Dustin tells them and Rhys puts his hands gently over Eddie's shoulders, leaning over a bit as the light disappeared a bit. "Okay, try it now!" Dustin exclaims and Eddie encouragingly pats Nancy's shoulder before putting that hand over Rhys'. "Okay, um... uh..." Nancy reached out.

She uses her finger to spell out HI into the specks. "That worked!" Dustin shouted back. "Yes! Yes!" Steve and Eddie celebrate as Rhys laughs, smiling widely as Harrington and Munson both pat each other's shoulders excitedly. "Hi!" Eddie leans forward aggressively and Rhys chuckled. "Um..." Nancy says before spelling out STUCK in the lighting.

"Mm-hmm, mm-hmm." Eddie repeatedly nods. "Yeah, we are." Robin says, waiting for Dustin's response. "Uh, you can't get back through Watergate?" Dustin calls out to them. "What the hell's Watergate?" Steve asked and Rhys glanced over. "Because it's in water and it's a gate." Robin tells them.

"Clever." Rhys says as Eddie tilts his head. "That's cute." He says and Rhys chuckles softly. "Oh. Um, no, it's..." Nancy reached out to spell out GUARDED into the light specks. "Uh, Watergate's guarded." Dustin says and Rhys sighs, smiling widely. "Perfect. Yes. Yes." Steve nodded as Eddie clapped.

"Okay, we think we have a theory that can help with that." Dustin replied as Robin closed her eyes. "Genius child." She says and Rhys chuckles at that. "We think Watergate isn't the only gate. That there's a gate at every murder site." Dustin shouted out. "Does anybody understand what he's talking about?" Nancy asked the other four.

"No." Steve shook his head. "No idea." Eddie says as Rhys and Robin both had a look of confusion on their faces. Nancy makes a question mark in the lights. "Okay, seriously?! How many times do I have to be right on the money before you guys just trust me?" The boy exclaimed. "Jesus Christ. This kid's gotta get his ego in check." Steve says and Eddie leans forward a bit, looking at him.

"It's his tone. Right?" He asked, his face slightly scrunched up. "I know." Steve says as Nancy looks up. "Okay, so... how far is your trailer?" She then looked at Eddie. "About... seven miles." Eddie looks up at Rhys who just nods softly, glancing over at Nancy. "Are we gonna walk seven miles?" He then asked the girl. "Nancy?" Robin spoke up now.

"Uh, I know your house here is, like, weirdly, creepily frozen in time and shit, but haven't you always had bikes?" The girl asked and Rhys and Eddie both look away from her to look at Nancy, waiting for her response.

authors note officer callahan calling max mean 😭💀 LMFAO

+ on vacation rn but here's a chapter!! :)

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