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      THERE WAS so much to be said between the two men, but they just sat there. In silence. Eddie was peeling off the label of his drink gently as Rhys was staring at him. The Munson refuses to make eye contact whatsoever.

"Eds?" Rhys mumbled, his hand finding its way onto Eddie's leg, on his knee where some skin was exposed through his ripped jeans. Eddie quickly glanced up, his movements completely stopping as he stared into Rhys' green eyes. "Wh--what?" He says softly.

"Are you... okay?" He asked and Eddie quickly nods before chuckling softly. "You always ask me that." He glanced down and Rhys leans back, pulling his hand away. "Because I'm worried, and you... watched someone die in front of you." He said quietly and Eddie shrugs.

"Not much to talk about." He whispers and Rhys just tilts his head to the side slightly. "Isn't there?" Something deeper is seen for a flicker of a moment in Rhys' eyes before he glanced down, avoiding eye contact all of the sudden as it was Eddie's turn to stare at him.

Eddie reached over, quickly pressing his lips up against Rhys', crawling towards him. "Eds," Rhys mumbled into their kiss as his hands found their way to Eddie's lower back, dropping the empty bottle of chocolate milk as the Munson dropped his behind the Campbell's back. Their kiss deepens as Eddie straddled Rhys' lap. "Rhys," the brunette panted out.

"Eddie--" the two are cut off with the radio going off making Eddie groan softly as he pulled back, annoyed by the sound of Dustin Henderson calling out their names. "You said it was in case of emergencies, Dustin." Rhys said right away into the radio. "Just wanted to see if you guys were okay. You guys don't need anything?" Dustin replied back as he, Steve and Max were now on their way to the school, it was beginning to get darker out by now.

"Yes, we're fine!" Eddie had grabbed the radio and then shut it off. "Can we go into your place?" He asks the blond who just nods softly. "Yeah, sure thing." The two made their way out the boat shed, Eddie quietly shutting the door behind him as Rhys took a quick look around before glancing back and reaching out to take Eddie's hand in his. They walk like that up to the front door, into the home and then once Rhys closed the door behind them, Eddie leapt into his arms, kissing him deeply once more.

"Take me to your room," Eddie mumbled but they kept kissing there against the wall by the door before Rhys wraps his arms around Eddie's waist, stumbling towards the bedroom when Eddie nearly tripped but Rhys caught him. The Munson chuckled softly against his lips and pulled back. "Let's just go to your room now." He said, completely pulling away from Rhys who grabbed his wrist gently.

"Um... wanna get high first?" He asked softly, gently caressing Eddie's wrist. "Why... why do you always wanna get high or drunk first?" The brunette whispers and the truth was that Rhys honestly gets way more confident and less nervous that way rather than hesitating a lot like he did the first time around.

"It's fine if you don't want to." Rhys settled for it, bringing Eddie to his room with his arm around his waist, quickly shutting off the light before bringing the boy over to his bed. The moment Eddie's back hit the bed, nerves struck Rhys again who hovers over him.

"It's just me," Eddie whispers almost as if he sensed how nervous Rhys was. He had to be a goddamn mind reader or maybe he could hear Rhys' heart beat a hundred miles per minute. "I know that, Eds." Rhys whispered and leaned down, connecting their lips.

Rhys always cherished every moment, the way Eddie clung to him, kissed him, whispered to him what he wanted and how, especially when he does that thing where he wants Rhys to lean back down and kiss him. Rhys Campbell, Dirty Harry, was in love. He hates to think about it. Or admit it. But he is in love, and he knows that, hovering over Eddie, making love, he'd usually call this just a quick fuck or whatever, never making love, but what he's doing, sober with no drop of alcohol or even a small hit of a joint, he knows why he's so tender with his touches with Eddie, so loving with his kisses. Because he's in love with Eddie fucking Munson.

He thinks about how Eddie gushes over silly little things like his D&D campaigns, (he runs them over Rhys a lot to see what he thinks even though the blonde doesn't like D&D) he gushes over Metallica's new songs, Black Sabbath's very own Ozzy Osbourne, his guitar he calls sweetheart, the fact he doesn't stick to what society thinks you should be. And every little flaw in between what made Eddie Eddie. And as he laid there next to him, he took in Eddie's appearance like really.

His soft pink lips, his cute nose, his perfect wispy eyelashes, his soft skin, his long brown hair and bangs that came short above his eyebrows. And his body. His body might not be the most perfect to most girls like abs and a rockhard chest, but Rhys loves Eddie's body the way it is. Soft. Warm. And pale smooth.

"Rhys." Eddie mumbled, he had felt the blond's eyes on him the whole time as he flipped to lay on his side. "Hm?" Rhys hums and Eddie smiled softly, raising his hands to the blond hairs on the pillow, touching them gently. "Did I ever... tell you that the reason I grew out my hair was because I always thought yours was nice? And suited you... So I wanted to see if it suited me." He whispers and Rhys smiled.

He was falling even more and at this point, he didn't care. Who knew what would happen in the short span of the next few days? This Vecna guy. Whatever was going on with that Chrissy girl and how she died in Eddie's trailer. This "world" underneath Hawkins that bleeds into their home. Anything could happen. "That's really fucking cute." Rhys chuckled softly.

"I just... liked how you looked a lot." Eddie's face is fully red and Rhys just smiled widely. "You liked how I looked? Do you still do?" He whispers and Eddie glanced up at him with those soft doey eyes that had him week in the knees. "Yes." He whispers back like it was a secret, in a way it was, everything for them, it's always a secret only for them.

Like the way Rhys holds Eddie every night, their hidden kisses in the dark, their little make out sessions after making love, the way they never wanna part, so much so that Rhys was keeping him at his place while he was on the run from the police for a murder he didn't do. "Eds," Rhys pulled his arm further around Eddie's waist, scooting closer to him.

"Dirty Harry." Eddie is smiling when he says it and Rhys chuckles softly. "How often do you call me that?" He asked and Eddie shrugs, tilting his head a bit. "Uh, to everyone so basically everyday when I talk about you." He grins widely and Rhys just leans over, kissing that cute little grin off Eddie's face.









authors note guys guys guys i'm in love with ben hardy and joseph quinn...  BUT BRITISH PEOPLE STOLE MY LANDDDD
(i'm joking but like my friend said that to me 😭 i was like "god i'm so in love with ben hardy and joseph quinn" and she goes "and they're both british and the british stole our land" 😔)

+ back to our usual scheduled 9:00 (est) am again!! (which i'll probably mess up on the weekend because i get fridays off)

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