twenty-six. DIRTY HARRY.

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     AS RHYS was watching them from the window, he smiled when he saw Dustin and Eddie wrestling. He watched as his boyfriend hold the younger teen by his neck, talking to him before their faces broke out into grins then Eddie walked away from the younger, calling out to Erica and Lucas.

Rhys glanced away as Eddie now looked around, noticing Max with Nancy who was practicing her aim, Lucas being scolded by Erica for not knowing how to properly tie the knife at the end of the wooden stick, Robin and Steve filling up bottles with kerosene to make the molotovs. "Hey, I'll be right back, Henderson." He pats the boy's arm.

"Yeah, sure." The boy replied and Eddie walks up to the RV, pointing inside. "Rhys didn't come out?" He asked and Steve shook his head. "I think he's wallowing." He says and Eddie snorts. "Dirty Harry does not wallow." He says and Robin Buckley chuckles. "Yeah, with a name like that, he never would." She says, tone laced with sarcasm as she spoke.

"You wanna know why they call him that?" Eddie grins, his hands on his hips and Robin glanced up. "Why?" She asked and he laughs, covering his mouth. "There's this movie that was released back in '71, he was only 7 or 8, and he would watch this movie with his dad he was so obsessed with, that he only responded to people who called him by the name of it. Dirty Harry. With Clint Eastwood, ever seen it?" He asked and Steve's face scrunched up.

"Is it bad I thought it was something sexual?" He asked and Eddie laughed. "Yeah, most people assume but Rhys is embarrassed by the actual story... he's only ever told me and I think, Nora." He explains and Steve squints his eyes. "Is Nora an old girlfriend or something?" He asked and Eddie quickly shook his head. "Nah, no, that's disturbing, he met Nora when he was 14 and she was 19, she's basically... you and he's Dustin, in a way." He nods and Steve raised his brows, nodding softly.

"So... a loser who only has kids for friends?" Robin chimed in and Steve hits his knee against her as Eddie chuckles. "Anyway, don't tell him I told you guys." He said before heading inside to see that Rhys was actually at the table by the door, so he abruptly stopped there, smiling widely at his boyfriend.

"No. Cute smiling isn't gonna get you out of this, Edward." He says and Eddie frowns, swinging the door closed because he heard Robin and Steve giggling outside at the mention of Eddie's full name. "Is everything okay? You seemed weirdly quiet since Nancy told us the plan and Red mentioned being the bait while we went after Vecna's ass and since Nancy suggested we distract the bats." He says and Rhys just stood up, sighing.

"It's not too late, yeah?" He says and Eddie walks over, furrowing his brows. "Too late for what, Rhys?" He asked and Rhys raised his hands to his boyfriend's shoulders. "We go. Like now... get my car, grab some clothes and food from my place, leave. Leave Hawkins. Before all the shit goes down." He says.

He's rambling as he speaks and judging by the face Eddie makes, the Munson isn't at all up for it. "Eds..." He pleads and Eddie sighed. "I--I don't wanna keep running." He said and Rhys frowns deeply. "Running?" He says and Eddie raised his hands, grabbing Rhys' hands gently. "Running from Jason and his goons, running from... what happened with Chrissy, running away from what we have, all of it... I--I'm tired of running, Rhys." He says.

"Sometimes running away can be a good thing, Eds." Rhys steps closer, his eyes showing how much he was begging for Eddie to give in. To say yes. To leave Hawkins with him. To hell with these people anyway, Rhys doesn't know them. "It's not the right thing to do... he has to pay." Eddie says quietly and Rhys glanced down, not meeting Eddie's eyes anymore.

"But... I--I'm scared. I'm so scared." He whispered out and then held onto Eddie tighter, pulling him closer. "I don't wanna lose you. I just got you, Eds." He added in another quiet whisper and Eddie shook his head. "You've always had me, Rhys. Ever since that day we met. I promise you that. And you always will." He cups Rhys' face with one hand as the blond's gaze finally moves back up.

He couldn't stand the glossy look in his lover's green eyes as he frowns. "Everything will be okay. You just have to trust me. And trust them." Eddie nods his head towards the exit of the RV and Rhys just sighed shakily. "Okay. But once shit hits the fan, and you are in danger... I'll get to say I told you so, alright?" He says and Eddie just chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Nah. You won't be able to." He says.

Rhys sighed, leaning in to connect their lips and Eddie kissed back passionately right away, his arms going around Rhys' waist. The blond pulled back and embraced his boyfriend, holding him close. "Just promise me not to do anything stupid?" He says and Eddie just softly rubs his back, letting out a soft hum.

"Promise me, Eds. Please." He whispers and Eddie nods. "I promise." He whispers and then pulled back gently, adjusting Rhys' hair and bangs gently. There's so many given opportunities he could say it. Three words, eight little letters, so simple, yet hard for Eddie to say as it got stuck in his throat, wanting to say it but not quite able to do so.

Then, Rhys just smiled and leaned in, pecking his lips gently once more. "I'm... eternally grateful you chose me out of literally anyone else, Eds." He says and Eddie shrugged. "Well... yeah, I only narrowed it down to you or some other random blond guy who gives me drugs to sell for him and occasionally makes out with me." He says and Rhys raised his brows slightly. "Ah, so I wasn't the only one? That's unfortunate." He says.

"I don't know... he was cuter." He says, adjusting Rhys' shirt collar. "Oh, wow... really?" Rhys softly squeezed Eddie's shoulder and the Munson just chuckled softly. "Yeah, but I'm clearly more infatuated by you." He says and the blond nods. "Because I put out more or what?" He says and Eddie laughs, leaning closer and putting his forehead onto Rhys' shoulder, his arms loosely around his boyfriend's waist now. "Yeah, totally." He says.

Rhys hums softly, rubbing his boyfriend's back then reaching up to Eddie's hair. He softly pushed all of it back to reveal Eddie's neck, tracing circles on it with his thumb. "We'll be okay. Yeah?" Eddie whispers and Rhys softly nods. "I'll make sure of it." He promises, pressing a kiss to Eddie's head.




authors note one moment i'm like "rhys and eddie <3" then another i'm thinking "rhys and eddie :(" mixed feelings, yk

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