thirteen. TATTOO.

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THE TWO men laid in bed once more, facing one another as Eddie kept insisting they wear each other's clothes again. "The others won't find it weird now because we're boyfriends." He reasoned, his hands against either sides' of Rhys' face who sighed quietly. "Why are you so insistent on me wearing your Hellfire shirt?" He asked and Eddie grins.

"Because you look really... cute in it." He says and Rhys raised his brows. "Cute? I look cute in it?" He says and Eddie shyly glanced away, a blush over his face. "Fine, you look hot in it." He meekly admitted as he smiled faintly and Rhys just chuckled at that. "Okay. Uh, if I agree though, I have to get to chose the shirt you're gonna wear." Rhys says, gently fiddling with Eddie's hand in both of his own.

"Okay. Agreed. But nothing too weird or out of my style, like that leopard print shirt you'd always wear, oh, or that black button up with the little flowers on it." Eddie grimaced a bit and Rhys scoffed. "I'm offended. I pull those off very well." He says and Eddie grinned.

"Can you hold me while I try and sleep again?" He whispered softly now, his smile faded away and Rhys nods right away. "Of course." He whispers back and Eddie flipped over, scooting closer to the blond who put one arm around him at first, getting all close and snug behind him. "I always have nice dreams when I'm with you... like you're my spiritual protector or something." Eddie says quietly as Rhys was leaning closer and closer, putting his face to Eddie's back as his arms are around his waist.

"Maybe I transfer what I feel or think to you because I know your mind isn't in a good place right now." Rhys raised one hand over Eddie's chest, the side where his heart is and the brunette put his hand over the blond's. "I appreciate all that you do for me." The Munson suddenly said, interlocking their fingers together and bringing Rhys' hand up to his face so he can press a kiss to the back of it.

"I'd do anything for you. I'm pretty sure I'd kill for you." He said suddenly and Eddie moved to lay on his back, looking at him. "You're already at the kill for me stage in our relationship?" He asked and Rhys quickly nods. "Yeah, I always have been. That's why I took you in so quickly, that's why I never turn you away everytime Jason and those other assholes bothered you and you come to me all bloody and bruised." He says and Eddie cups his face.

"That's actually kinda sweet." He smiled and Rhys chuckles. "I don't know what it was, but when you came to me when you were fifteen, I kinda... always knew you'd change my whole life, kinda flipped it around, almost." He says and Eddie grimaced. "I was so ugly at that age." He says and gestured. "I didn't have this beautiful mane or my tattoos." He says and Rhys laughed, scooting closer to him.

"Yeah, but I still liked you, even then..." He says and Eddie smiled before flipping over so his back faced Rhys again. "What if... nothing goes back to normal? Even after they fix it, or whatever they're doing?" He asked and Rhys pulls him closer. "Then I keep you here forever." He says and Eddie giggles softly.

"You gonna support me?" He asked and Rhys buries his face into Eddie's neck, gently kissing. "Of course I will. Bring home the big bucks and you'll be my little housewife." He says and Eddie rolls his eyes, smiling faintly.

"You know what? You should get another tattoo." He proposed suddenly and Eddie hums. "Yeah? How? If I show up at the shop, they'll just call the cops." He says and Rhys shrugs. "I'll get a tattoo gun myself and do it." He says and Eddie chuckles. "Yeah and what's it gonna say?" He turns his head a bit and met Rhys' dark green eyes. "It'll have a heart, with an arrow through it, tacky, I know but the best part will be Dirty Harry is gonna be written in it." He smiles and Eddie just laughs, rolling his eyes.

"Okay, fine, yeah, where would you put it?" He asked and Rhys puts a hand over Eddie's hip. "Right here." He says and Eddie blushed, rolling his eyes with a small smile. "Get some rest." Rhys mumbled, pressing a small kiss to Eddie's cheek and the brunette nods. "You too," he pulled Rhys' arm closer to him, almost as if to make sure Rhys doesn't leave his side. "Okay." The blond mumbled, relaxing behind him and closing his eyes as well.

That following morning, Rhys was bored, staring up at the ceiling as Eddie sat up, looking around tiredly and rubbing his eyes. "What's up?" He asked and Eddie just smacks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "I want water." He says and Rhys quickly got up. "Okay." He complied, rushing to the kitchen and bringing back a glass of water for his boyfriend.

"Thank you." Eddie mumbled quietly, taking a sip of the water. Rhys sat in front of him, smiling faintly. "Do you want anything else?" He asked and Eddie nods softly. "Uh, Honeycomb and chocolate milk." He listed and smiled widely at Rhys who just sighed. "And also some beer. Could you tell the others though to bring it? I don't want you to leave again... I sort of got anxious and scared." He says and Rhys puts his hand on Eddie's knee.

"Yeah, of course... I'll be right back, okay?" He says and Eddie nods quickly. They had left the radio back in the boathouse so he quickly ran out of the house, rushing to the shed and retrieving the supercomm. He heads back inside, not knowing he'd been spotted by someone, noticing the Hellfire shirt he's wearing. That was definitely gonna come back to bite him in the ass.

"Hello? Dustin? Steve? Robin? Max? Anyone?" He repeatedly said into the radio as he enters his house, shutting the door softly behind him and flicking the lock on it so it'd be locked. "Anybody? I kind of have a special request from Eddie himself and I need someone to answer right this instant. Are you guys okay?" He said and then a girl's voice came through he didn't recognize. "Yes, hello? Is this Harry?" She asked and Rhys' face scrunched up.

"Rhys." He corrected. "Oh, right. Uh, sorry, this is Nancy. Nancy Wheeler." She said quickly and his brows raise. "Oh, hi... uh, so Eddie's in need of some food, Dustin should know what exactly and also some beer if that'd be cool?" He asked and she took a moment, exhaling softly. "Yeah, sure." She says and he grins. "Amazing, thank you, Nance." He says and she furrows her brows slightly. "No problem... uh, can I call you back? I gotta go." She quickly turns off her radio and Rhys scrunched up his face.

"What's going on?" Eddie walks out of his bedroom in only boxers and his arms crossed as Rhys glanced up, shrugging slightly. "I--I'm not sure." He tells him quickly and Eddie softly rubs his arms. "So, which clothes can I burrow?" He's smiling ear-to-ear and Rhys chuckles at how much this meant to Eddie, sharing clothes as he got up from the couch.

"I'll grab you some..."




authors note my love language would be random clothes sharing too or gift giving, i can't do well with physical touch, it's so awkward and makes me wanna die

+ don't even know if the two days before patrick died has passed but whatever, i wanna get to the skull rock part now hehe

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